"use strict"; const protected_session = (function() { const dialogEl = $("#protected-session-password-dialog"); const passwordFormEl = $("#protected-session-password-form"); const passwordEl = $("#protected-session-password"); let protectedSessionDeferred = null; let lastProtectedSessionOperationDate = null; let protectedSessionTimeout = null; let protectedSessionId = null; server.get('settings/all').then(settings => { protectedSessionTimeout = settings.protected_session_timeout; }); function setProtectedSessionTimeout(encSessTimeout) { protectedSessionTimeout = encSessTimeout; } function ensureProtectedSession(requireProtectedSession, modal) { const dfd = $.Deferred(); if (requireProtectedSession && !isProtectedSessionAvailable()) { // if this is entry point then we need to show the app even before the note is loaded showAppIfHidden(); protectedSessionDeferred = dfd; dialogEl.dialog({ modal: modal, width: 400, open: () => { if (!modal) { // dialog steals focus for itself, which is not what we want for non-modal (viewing) noteTree.getCurrentNode().setFocus(); } } }); } else { dfd.resolve(); } return dfd.promise(); } async function setupProtectedSession() { const password = passwordEl.val(); passwordEl.val(""); const response = await enterProtectedSession(password); if (!response.success) { showError("Wrong password."); return; } protectedSessionId = response.protectedSessionId; server.initAjax(); dialogEl.dialog("close"); noteEditor.reload(); noteTree.reload(); if (protectedSessionDeferred !== null) { ensureDialogIsClosed(dialogEl, passwordEl); protectedSessionDeferred.resolve(); protectedSessionDeferred = null; } } function ensureDialogIsClosed() { // this may fal if the dialog has not been previously opened try { dialogEl.dialog('close'); } catch (e) {} passwordEl.val(''); } async function enterProtectedSession(password) { return await server.post('login/protected', { password: password }); } function getProtectedSessionId() { return protectedSessionId; } function resetProtectedSession() { protectedSessionId = null; server.initAjax(); // most secure solution - guarantees nothing remained in memory // since this expires because user doesn't use the app, it shouldn't be disruptive window.location.reload(true); } function isProtectedSessionAvailable() { return protectedSessionId !== null; } async function protectNoteAndSendToServer() { await ensureProtectedSession(true, true); const note = noteEditor.getCurrentNote(); noteEditor.updateNoteFromInputs(note); note.detail.is_protected = true; await noteEditor.saveNoteToServer(note); noteEditor.setNoteBackgroundIfProtected(note); } async function unprotectNoteAndSendToServer() { await ensureProtectedSession(true, true); const note = noteEditor.getCurrentNote(); noteEditor.updateNoteFromInputs(note); note.detail.is_protected = false; await noteEditor.saveNoteToServer(note); noteEditor.setNoteBackgroundIfProtected(note); } function touchProtectedSession() { if (isProtectedSessionAvailable()) { lastProtectedSessionOperationDate = new Date(); } } async function protectSubTree(noteId, protect) { await ensureProtectedSession(true, true); await server.put('tree/' + noteId + "/protectSubTree/" + (protect ? 1 : 0)); showMessage("Request to un/protect sub tree has finished successfully"); noteTree.reload(); noteEditor.reload(); } passwordFormEl.submit(() => { setupProtectedSession(); return false; }); setInterval(() => { if (lastProtectedSessionOperationDate !== null && new Date().getTime() - lastProtectedSessionOperationDate.getTime() > protectedSessionTimeout * 1000) { resetProtectedSession(); } }, 5000); return { setProtectedSessionTimeout, ensureProtectedSession, resetProtectedSession, isProtectedSessionAvailable, protectNoteAndSendToServer, unprotectNoteAndSendToServer, getProtectedSessionId, touchProtectedSession, protectSubTree, ensureDialogIsClosed }; })();