Trilium Notes setup

New document

You're almost done with the setup. The last thing is to choose username and password using which you'll login to the application. This password is also used for generating encryption key which encrypts protected notes.


Sync from Desktop

This setup needs to be initiated from the desktop instance:

  1. please open your desktop instance of Trilium Notes
  2. click on Options button in the top right
  3. click on Sync tab
  4. configure server instance address to the: and click save.
  5. click on "Test sync" button
  6. once you've done all this, click here

Sync from Server

Please enter Trilium server address and credentials below. This will download the whole Trilium document from server and setup sync to it. Depending on the document size and your connection speed, this may take a while.

Note: If you leave proxy setting blank, system proxy will be used (applies to desktop/electron build only)


Sync in progress

Sync has been correctly set up. It will take some time for the initial sync to finish. Once it's done, you'll be redirected to the login page.
Outstanding sync items: N/A