"use strict"; const repository = require('./repository'); const sql = require('./sql'); const utils = require('./utils'); const Attribute = require('../entities/attribute'); const BUILTIN_ATTRIBUTES = [ // label names { type: 'label', name: 'disableVersioning' }, { type: 'label', name: 'calendarRoot' }, { type: 'label', name: 'archived' }, { type: 'label', name: 'excludeFromExport' }, { type: 'label', name: 'run' }, { type: 'label', name: 'manualTransactionHandling' }, { type: 'label', name: 'disableInclusion' }, { type: 'label', name: 'appCss' }, { type: 'label', name: 'hideChildrenOverview' }, // relation names { type: 'relation', name: 'runOnNoteView' }, { type: 'relation', name: 'runOnNoteTitleChange' } ]; async function getNotesWithLabel(name, value) { let notes; if (value !== undefined) { notes = await repository.getEntities(`SELECT notes.* FROM notes JOIN attributes USING(noteId) WHERE notes.isDeleted = 0 AND attributes.isDeleted = 0 AND attributes.name = ? AND attributes.value = ?`, [name, value]); } else { notes = await repository.getEntities(`SELECT notes.* FROM notes JOIN attributes USING(noteId) WHERE notes.isDeleted = 0 AND attributes.isDeleted = 0 AND attributes.name = ?`, [name]); } return notes; } async function getNoteWithLabel(name, value) { const notes = await getNotesWithLabel(name, value); return notes.length > 0 ? notes[0] : null; } async function createAttribute(noteId, name, value = "") { return await new Attribute({ noteId: noteId, name: name, value: value }).save(); } async function getAttributeNames(type, nameLike) { const names = await sql.getColumn( `SELECT DISTINCT name FROM attributes WHERE isDeleted = 0 AND type = ? AND name LIKE '%${utils.sanitizeSql(nameLike)}%'`, [ type ]); for (const attribute of BUILTIN_ATTRIBUTES) { if (attribute.type === type && !names.includes(attribute.name)) { names.push(attribute.name); } } names.sort(); return names; } async function getEffectiveAttributes(noteId) { const attributes = await repository.getEntities(` WITH RECURSIVE tree(noteId, level) AS ( SELECT ?, 0 UNION SELECT branches.parentNoteId, tree.level + 1 FROM branches JOIN tree ON branches.noteId = tree.noteId JOIN notes ON notes.noteId = branches.parentNoteId WHERE notes.isDeleted = 0 AND branches.isDeleted = 0 ) SELECT attributes.* FROM attributes JOIN tree ON attributes.noteId = tree.noteId WHERE attributes.isDeleted = 0 AND (attributes.isInheritable = 1 OR attributes.noteId = ?) ORDER BY level, noteId, position`, [noteId, noteId]); // attributes are ordered so that "closest" attributes are first // we order by noteId so that attributes from same note stay together. Actual noteId ordering doesn't matter. const filteredAttributes = attributes.filter((attr, index) => { if (attr.isDefinition()) { const firstDefinitionIndex = attributes.findIndex(el => el.type === attr.type && el.name === attr.name); // keep only if this element is the first definition for this type & name return firstDefinitionIndex === index; } else { const definitionAttr = attributes.find(el => el.type === attr.type + '-definition' && el.name === attr.name); if (!definitionAttr) { return true; } const definition = definitionAttr.value; if (definition.multiplicityType === 'multivalue') { return true; } else { const firstAttrIndex = attributes.findIndex(el => el.type === attr.type && el.name === attr.name); // in case of single-valued attribute we'll keep it only if it's first (closest) return firstAttrIndex === index; } } }); for (const attr of filteredAttributes) { attr.isOwned = attr.noteId === noteId; } return filteredAttributes; } module.exports = { getNotesWithLabel, getNoteWithLabel, createAttribute, getAttributeNames, getEffectiveAttributes, BUILTIN_ATTRIBUTES };