$(document).bind('keydown', 'alt+l', () => { $("#note-autocomplete").val(''); $("#link-title").val(''); const noteDetail = $('#note-detail'); noteDetail.summernote('editor.saveRange'); $("#insert-link-dialog").dialog({ modal: true, width: 500 }); function setDefaultLinkTitle(noteId) { const noteTitle = getNoteTitle(noteId); $("#link-title").val(noteTitle); } $("#note-autocomplete").autocomplete({ source: getAutocompleteItems(globalAllNoteIds), minLength: 0, change: () => { const val = $("#note-autocomplete").val(); const noteId = getNodeIdFromLabel(val); if (noteId) { setDefaultLinkTitle(noteId); } }, // this is called when user goes through autocomplete list with keyboard // at this point the item isn't selected yet so we use supplied ui.item to see where the cursor is focus: (event, ui) => { const noteId = getNodeIdFromLabel(ui.item.value); setDefaultLinkTitle(noteId); } }); }); $("#insert-link-form").submit(() => { let val = $("#note-autocomplete").val(); const noteId = getNodeIdFromLabel(val); if (noteId) { const linkTitle = $("#link-title").val(); const noteDetail = $('#note-detail'); $("#insert-link-dialog").dialog("close"); noteDetail.summernote('editor.restoreRange'); noteDetail.summernote('createLink', { text: linkTitle, url: 'app#' + noteId, isNewWindow: true }); } return false; }); // when click on link popup, in case of internal link, just go the the referenced note instead of default behavior // of opening the link in new window/tab $(document).on('click', 'div.popover-content a, div.ui-tooltip-content', goToInternalNote); $(document).on('dblclick', '.note-editable a, div.ui-tooltip-content', goToInternalNote); function goToInternalNote(e, callback) { const targetUrl = $(e.target).attr("href"); const noteId = getNoteIdFromLink(targetUrl); if (noteId !== null) { getNodeByKey(noteId).setActive(); // this is quite ugly hack, but it seems like we can't close the tooltip otherwise $("[role='tooltip']").remove(); e.preventDefault(); if (callback) { callback(); } } } function getNoteIdFromLink(url) { const noteIdMatch = /app#([A-Za-z0-9]{12})/.exec(url); if (noteIdMatch === null) { return null; } else { return noteIdMatch[1]; } } function getNodeIdFromLabel(label) { const noteIdMatch = / \(([A-Za-z0-9]{12})\)/.exec(label); if (noteIdMatch !== null) { return noteIdMatch[1]; } return null; }