const sql = require('./sql'); const ScriptContext = require('./script_context'); const repository = require('./repository'); async function executeNote(note) { if (!note.isJavaScript()) { return; } const bundle = await getScriptBundle(note); await executeBundle(bundle); } async function executeBundle(bundle, startNote) { if (!startNote) { // this is the default case, the only exception is when we want to preserve frontend startNote startNote = bundle.note; } // last \r\n is necessary if script contains line comment on its last line const script = "async function() {\r\n" + bundle.script + "\r\n}"; const ctx = new ScriptContext(startNote, bundle.allNotes); if (await bundle.note.hasLabel('manualTransactionHandling')) { return await execute(ctx, script, ''); } else { return await sql.doInTransaction(async () => execute(ctx, script, '')); } } /** * This method preserves frontend startNode - that's why we start execution from currentNote and override * bundle's startNote. */ async function executeScript(script, params, startNoteId, currentNoteId) { const startNote = await repository.getNote(startNoteId); const currentNote = await repository.getNote(currentNoteId); currentNote.content = `return await (${script}\r\n)(${getParams(params)})`; currentNote.type = 'code'; currentNote.mime = 'application/javascript;env=backend'; const bundle = await getScriptBundle(currentNote); return await executeBundle(bundle, startNote); } async function execute(ctx, script, paramsStr) { return await (function() { return eval(`const apiContext = this;\r\n(${script}\r\n)(${paramsStr})`); }.call(ctx)); } function getParams(params) { if (!params) { return params; } return => { if (typeof p === "string" && p.startsWith("!@#Function: ")) { return p.substr(13); } else { return JSON.stringify(p); } }).join(","); } async function getScriptBundle(note, root = true, scriptEnv = null, includedNoteIds = []) { if (!note.isJavaScript() && !note.isHtml() && note.type !== 'render') { return; } if (!root && await note.hasLabel('disableInclusion')) { return; } if (root) { scriptEnv = note.getScriptEnv(); } if (note.type !== 'file' && scriptEnv !== note.getScriptEnv()) { return; } const bundle = { note: note, script: '', html: '', allNotes: [note] }; if (includedNoteIds.includes(note.noteId)) { return bundle; } includedNoteIds.push(note.noteId); const modules = []; for (const child of await note.getChildNotes()) { const childBundle = await getScriptBundle(child, false, scriptEnv, includedNoteIds); if (childBundle) { modules.push(childBundle.note); bundle.script += childBundle.script; bundle.html += childBundle.html; bundle.allNotes = bundle.allNotes.concat(childBundle.allNotes); } } const moduleNoteIds = => mod.noteId); if (note.isJavaScript()) { bundle.script += ` apiContext.modules['${note.noteId}'] = {}; ${root ? 'return ' : ''}await (async function(exports, module, require, api` + (modules.length > 0 ? ', ' : '') + => sanitizeVariableName(child.title)).join(', ') + `) { ${note.content} })({}, apiContext.modules['${note.noteId}'], apiContext.require(${JSON.stringify(moduleNoteIds)}), apiContext.apis['${note.noteId}']` + (modules.length > 0 ? ', ' : '') + => `apiContext.modules['${mod.noteId}'].exports`).join(', ') + `); `; } else if (note.isHtml()) { bundle.html += note.content; } return bundle; } function sanitizeVariableName(str) { return str.replace(/[^a-z0-9_]/gim, ""); } module.exports = { executeNote, executeScript, getScriptBundle };