"use strict"; const express = require('express'); const router = express.Router(); const sql = require('../../services/sql'); const utils = require('../../services/utils'); const sync_table = require('../../services/sync_table'); const auth = require('../../services/auth'); const log = require('../../services/log'); const wrap = require('express-promise-wrap').wrap; router.post('/cleanup-soft-deleted-items', auth.checkApiAuth, wrap(async (req, res, next) => { await sql.doInTransaction(async () => { const noteIdsToDelete = await sql.getFirstColumn("SELECT noteId FROM notes WHERE isDeleted = 1"); const noteIdsSql = noteIdsToDelete .map(noteId => "'" + utils.sanitizeSql(noteId) + "'") .join(', '); await sql.execute(`DELETE FROM event_log WHERE noteId IN (${noteIdsSql})`); await sql.execute(`DELETE FROM notes_history WHERE noteId IN (${noteIdsSql})`); await sql.execute(`DELETE FROM notes_image WHERE noteId IN (${noteIdsSql})`); await sql.execute(`DELETE FROM attributes WHERE noteId IN (${noteIdsSql})`); await sql.execute("DELETE FROM notes_tree WHERE isDeleted = 1"); await sql.execute("DELETE FROM notes_image WHERE isDeleted = 1"); await sql.execute("DELETE FROM images WHERE isDeleted = 1"); await sql.execute("DELETE FROM notes WHERE isDeleted = 1"); await sql.execute("DELETE FROM recent_notes"); await sync_table.cleanupSyncRowsForMissingEntities("notes", "noteId"); await sync_table.cleanupSyncRowsForMissingEntities("notes_tree", "noteTreeId"); await sync_table.cleanupSyncRowsForMissingEntities("notes_history", "noteHistoryId"); await sync_table.cleanupSyncRowsForMissingEntities("recent_notes", "noteTreeId"); log.info("Following notes has been completely cleaned from database: " + noteIdsSql); }); res.send({}); })); router.post('/cleanup-unused-images', auth.checkApiAuth, wrap(async (req, res, next) => { const sourceId = req.headers.sourceId; await sql.doInTransaction(async () => { const unusedImageIds = await sql.getFirstColumn(` SELECT images.imageId FROM images LEFT JOIN notes_image ON notes_image.imageId = images.imageId AND notes_image.isDeleted = 0 WHERE images.isDeleted = 0 AND notes_image.noteImageId IS NULL`); const now = utils.nowDate(); for (const imageId of unusedImageIds) { log.info(`Deleting unused image: ${imageId}`); await sql.execute("UPDATE images SET isDeleted = 1, data = null, dateModified = ? WHERE imageId = ?", [now, imageId]); await sync_table.addImageSync(imageId, sourceId); } }); res.send({}); })); router.post('/vacuum-database', auth.checkApiAuth, wrap(async (req, res, next) => { await sql.execute("VACUUM"); log.info("Database has been vacuumed."); res.send({}); })); module.exports = router;