'use strict'; const {app, globalShortcut, BrowserWindow} = require('electron'); const path = require('path'); const log = require('./src/services/log'); const sqlInit = require('./src/services/sql_init'); const cls = require('./src/services/cls'); const url = require("url"); const port = require('./src/services/port'); const env = require('./src/services/env'); const appIconService = require('./src/services/app_icon'); const windowStateKeeper = require('electron-window-state'); const contextMenu = require('electron-context-menu'); // Adds debug features like hotkeys for triggering dev tools and reload require('electron-debug')(); appIconService.installLocalAppIcon(); // Prevent window being garbage collected let mainWindow; require('electron-dl')({ saveAs: true }); contextMenu({ menu: (actions, params, browserWindow) => [ actions.cut(), actions.copy(), actions.copyLink(), actions.paste(), { label: 'Search DuckDuckGo for “{selection}”', // Only show it when right-clicking text visible: params.selectionText.trim().length > 0, click: () => { const {shell} = require('electron'); shell.openExternal(`https://duckduckgo.com?q=${encodeURIComponent(params.selectionText)}`); } }, actions.inspect() ] }); function onClosed() { // Dereference the window // For multiple windows store them in an array mainWindow = null; } async function createMainWindow() { await sqlInit.dbConnection; // if schema doesn't exist -> setup process // if schema exists, then we need to wait until the migration process is finished if (await sqlInit.schemaExists()) { await sqlInit.dbReady; } const mainWindowState = windowStateKeeper({ // default window width & height so it's usable on 1600 * 900 display (including some extra panels etc.) defaultWidth: 1200, defaultHeight: 800 }); const win = new BrowserWindow({ x: mainWindowState.x, y: mainWindowState.y, width: mainWindowState.width, height: mainWindowState.height, title: 'Trilium Notes', webPreferences: { nodeIntegration: true }, icon: path.join(__dirname, 'images/app-icons/png/256x256' + (env.isDev() ? '-dev' : '') + '.png') }); mainWindowState.manage(win); win.setMenuBarVisibility(false); win.loadURL('' + await port); win.on('closed', onClosed); win.webContents.on('new-window', (e, url) => { if (url !== win.webContents.getURL()) { e.preventDefault(); require('electron').shell.openExternal(url); } }); // prevent drag & drop to navigate away from trilium win.webContents.on('will-navigate', (ev, targetUrl) => { const parsedUrl = url.parse(targetUrl); // we still need to allow internal redirects from setup and migration pages if (!['localhost', ''].includes(parsedUrl.hostname) || (parsedUrl.path && parsedUrl.path !== '/')) { ev.preventDefault(); } }); return win; } app.on('window-all-closed', () => { if (process.platform !== 'darwin') { app.quit(); } }); app.on('activate', () => { if (!mainWindow) { mainWindow = createMainWindow(); } }); app.on('ready', async () => { app.setAppUserModelId('com.github.zadam.trilium'); mainWindow = await createMainWindow(); const result = globalShortcut.register('CommandOrControl+Alt+P', cls.wrap(async () => { // window may be hidden / not in focus mainWindow.focus(); mainWindow.webContents.send('create-day-sub-note'); })); if (!result) { log.error("Could not register global shortcut CTRL+ALT+P"); } }); app.on('will-quit', () => { globalShortcut.unregisterAll(); }); require('./src/www');