"use strict"; const express = require('express'); const router = express.Router(); const auth = require('../../services/auth'); const sync = require('../../services/sync'); const sql = require('../../services/sql'); const options = require('../../services/options'); router.post('/now', auth.checkApiAuth, async (req, res, next) => { res.send(await sync.sync()); }); router.get('/changed', auth.checkApiAuth, async (req, res, next) => { const lastSyncId = parseInt(req.query.lastSyncId); const sourceId = req.query.sourceId; res.send(await sql.getResults("SELECT * FROM sync WHERE id > ? AND source_id != ?", [lastSyncId, sourceId])); }); router.get('/notes/:noteId', auth.checkApiAuth, async (req, res, next) => { const noteId = req.params.noteId; res.send({ entity: await sql.getSingleResult("SELECT * FROM notes WHERE note_id = ?", [noteId]), links: await sql.getResults("SELECT * FROM links WHERE note_id = ?", [noteId]) }); }); router.get('/notes_tree/:noteId', auth.checkApiAuth, async (req, res, next) => { const noteId = req.params.noteId; res.send(await sql.getSingleResult("SELECT * FROM notes_tree WHERE note_id = ?", [noteId])); }); router.get('/notes_history/:noteHistoryId', auth.checkApiAuth, async (req, res, next) => { const noteHistoryId = req.params.noteHistoryId; res.send(await sql.getSingleResult("SELECT * FROM notes_history WHERE note_history_id = ?", [noteHistoryId])); }); router.get('/options/:optName', auth.checkApiAuth, async (req, res, next) => { const optName = req.params.optName; if (!options.SYNCED_OPTIONS.includes(optName)) { res.send("This option can't be synced."); } else { res.send(await sql.getSingleResult("SELECT * FROM options WHERE opt_name = ?", [optName])); } }); router.get('/notes_reordering/:noteParentId', auth.checkApiAuth, async (req, res, next) => { const noteParentId = req.params.noteParentId; res.send({ note_pid: noteParentId, ordering: await sql.getMap("SELECT note_id, note_pos FROM notes_tree WHERE note_pid = ?", [noteParentId]) }); }); router.put('/notes', auth.checkApiAuth, async (req, res, next) => { await sync.updateNote(req.body.entity, req.body.links, req.body.sourceId); res.send({}); }); router.put('/notes_tree', auth.checkApiAuth, async (req, res, next) => { await sync.updateNoteTree(req.body.entity, req.body.sourceId); res.send({}); }); router.put('/notes_history', auth.checkApiAuth, async (req, res, next) => { await sync.updateNoteHistory(req.body.entity, req.body.sourceId); res.send({}); }); router.put('/notes_reordering', auth.checkApiAuth, async (req, res, next) => { await sync.updateNoteReordering(req.body.entity, req.body.sourceId); res.send({}); }); router.put('/options', auth.checkApiAuth, async (req, res, next) => { await sync.updateOptions(req.body.entity, req.body.sourceId); res.send({}); }); module.exports = router;