import server from "./server.js"; import utils from "./utils.js"; import messagingService from "./messaging.js"; import treeUtils from "./tree_utils.js"; import noteAutocompleteService from "./note_autocomplete.js"; import treeService from "./tree.js"; import linkService from "./link.js"; import infoService from "./info.js"; import noteDetailService from "./note_detail.js"; const $attributeList = $("#attribute-list"); const $attributeListInner = $("#attribute-list-inner"); const $promotedAttributesContainer = $("#note-detail-promoted-attributes"); const $savedIndicator = $("#saved-indicator"); let attributePromise; async function refreshAttributes() { attributePromise = server.get('notes/' + noteDetailService.getCurrentNoteId() + '/attributes'); await showAttributes(); } async function getAttributes() { return await attributePromise; } async function showAttributes() { $promotedAttributesContainer.empty(); $attributeList.hide(); $attributeListInner.empty(); const note = noteDetailService.getCurrentNote(); const attributes = await attributePromise; const promoted = attributes.filter(attr => (attr.type === 'label-definition' || attr.type === 'relation-definition') && !"child:") && attr.value.isPromoted); const hidePromotedAttributes = attributes.some(attr => attr.type === 'label' && === 'hidePromotedAttributes'); if (promoted.length > 0 && !hidePromotedAttributes) { const $tbody = $(""); for (const definitionAttr of promoted) { const definitionType = definitionAttr.type; const valueType = definitionType.substr(0, definitionType.length - 11); let valueAttrs = attributes.filter(el => === && el.type === valueType); if (valueAttrs.length === 0) { valueAttrs.push({ attributeId: "", type: valueType, name:, value: "" }); } if (definitionAttr.value.multiplicityType === 'singlevalue') { valueAttrs = valueAttrs.slice(0, 1); } for (const valueAttr of valueAttrs) { const $tr = await createPromotedAttributeRow(definitionAttr, valueAttr); $tbody.append($tr); } } // we replace the whole content in one step so there can't be any race conditions // (previously we saw promoted attributes doubling) $promotedAttributesContainer.empty().append($tbody); } else if (note.type !== 'relation-map') { if (attributes.length > 0) { for (const attribute of attributes) { if (attribute.type === 'label') { $attributeListInner.append(utils.formatLabel(attribute) + " "); } else if (attribute.type === 'relation') { if (attribute.value) { $attributeListInner.append('@' + + "="); $attributeListInner.append(await linkService.createNoteLink(attribute.value)); $attributeListInner.append(" "); } else { messagingService.logError(`Relation ${attribute.attributeId} has empty target`); } } else if (attribute.type === 'label-definition' || attribute.type === 'relation-definition') { $attributeListInner.append( + " definition "); } else { messagingService.logError("Unknown attr type: " + attribute.type); } } $; } } return attributes; } async function createPromotedAttributeRow(definitionAttr, valueAttr) { const definition = definitionAttr.value; const $tr = $(""); const $labelCell = $("").append(; const $input = $("") .prop("tabindex", definitionAttr.position) .prop("attribute-id", valueAttr.isOwned ? valueAttr.attributeId : '') // if not owned, we'll force creation of a new attribute instead of updating the inherited one .prop("attribute-type", valueAttr.type) .prop("attribute-name", .prop("value", valueAttr.value) .addClass("form-control") .addClass("promoted-attribute-input") .change(promotedAttributeChanged); const $inputCell = $("").append($("
").addClass("input-group").append($input)); const $actionCell = $(""); const $multiplicityCell = $("").addClass("multiplicity"); $tr .append($labelCell) .append($inputCell) .append($actionCell) .append($multiplicityCell); if (valueAttr.type === 'label') { if (definition.labelType === 'text') { $input.prop("type", "text"); // no need to await for this, can be done asynchronously server.get('attributes/values/' + encodeURIComponent( => { if (attributeValues.length === 0) { return; } attributeValues = => { return { value: attribute }; }); $input.autocomplete({ appendTo: document.querySelector('body'), hint: false, autoselect: true, openOnFocus: true, minLength: 0, tabAutocomplete: false }, [{ displayKey: 'value', source: function (term, cb) { term = term.toLowerCase(); const filtered = attributeValues.filter(attr => attr.value.toLowerCase().includes(term)); cb(filtered); } }]); }); } else if (definition.labelType === 'number') { $input.prop("type", "number"); } else if (definition.labelType === 'boolean') { $input.prop("type", "checkbox"); if (valueAttr.value === "true") { $input.prop("checked", "checked"); } } else if (definition.labelType === 'date') { $input.prop("type", "date"); } else if (definition.labelType === 'url') { $input.prop("placeholder", "http://website..."); const $openButton = $("") .addClass("input-group-text open-external-link-button jam jam-arrow-up-right") .prop("title", "Open external link") .click(() =>$input.val(), '_blank')); $input.after($("
") .addClass("input-group-append") .append($openButton)); } else { messagingService.logError("Unknown labelType=" + definitionAttr.labelType); } } else if (valueAttr.type === 'relation') { if (valueAttr.value) { $input.val(await treeUtils.getNoteTitle(valueAttr.value)); } // no need to wait for this noteAutocompleteService.initNoteAutocomplete($input); $input.on('autocomplete:selected', function(event, suggestion, dataset) { promotedAttributeChanged(event); }); $input.setSelectedPath(valueAttr.value); } else { messagingService.logError("Unknown attribute type=" + valueAttr.type); return; } if (definition.multiplicityType === "multivalue") { const addButton = $("") .addClass("jam jam-plus pointer") .prop("title", "Add new attribute") .click(async () => { const $new = await createPromotedAttributeRow(definitionAttr, { attributeId: "", type: valueAttr.type, name:, value: "" }); $tr.after($new); $new.find('input').focus(); }); const removeButton = $("") .addClass("jam jam-trash-alt pointer") .prop("title", "Remove this attribute") .click(async () => { if (valueAttr.attributeId) { await server.remove("notes/" + noteId + "/attributes/" + valueAttr.attributeId); } $tr.remove(); }); $multiplicityCell.append(addButton).append("  ").append(removeButton); } return $tr; } async function promotedAttributeChanged(event) { const $attr = $(; let value; if ($attr.prop("type") === "checkbox") { value = $':checked') ? "true" : "false"; } else if ($attr.prop("attribute-type") === "relation") { const selectedPath = $attr.getSelectedPath(); value = selectedPath ? treeUtils.getNoteIdFromNotePath(selectedPath) : ""; } else { value = $attr.val(); } const result = await server.put("notes/" + noteDetailService.getCurrentNoteId() + "/attribute", { attributeId: $attr.prop("attribute-id"), type: $attr.prop("attribute-type"), name: $attr.prop("attribute-name"), value: value }); $attr.prop("attribute-id", result.attributeId); // animate only if it's not being animated already, this is important especially for e.g. number inputs // which can be changed many times in a second by clicking on higher/lower buttons. if ($savedIndicator.queue().length === 0) { $savedIndicator.fadeOut(); $savedIndicator.fadeIn(); } } export default { getAttributes, showAttributes, refreshAttributes }