$(function() { $(window).resize(function() { const fancyTree = $('ul.fancytree-container'); if (fancyTree.length) { fancyTree.height($(window).height() - fancyTree.offset().top - 10); } const noteEditable = $('div.note-editable'); if (noteEditable.length) { noteEditable.height($(window).height() - noteEditable.offset().top); } }); $(window).resize(); }); jQuery.hotkeys.options.filterInputAcceptingElements = true; jQuery.hotkeys.options.filterContentEditable = true; $(document).bind('keydown', 'alt+h', function() { const toggle = $(".hide-toggle"); const hidden = toggle.css('display') === 'none'; toggle.css('display', hidden ? 'block' : 'none'); $("#noteDetailWrapper").css("width", hidden ? 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