import GlobalButtonsWidget from "../widgets/global_buttons.js"; import SearchBoxWidget from "../widgets/search_box.js"; import SearchResultsWidget from "../widgets/search_results.js"; import NoteTreeWidget from "../widgets/note_tree.js"; import tabRow from "./tab_row.js"; import treeService from "./tree.js"; import noteDetailService from "./note_detail.js"; import TabContext from "./tab_context.js"; class AppContext { constructor() { this.widgets = []; /** @type {TabContext[]} */ this.tabContexts = []; } trigger(name, data) { for (const widget of this.widgets) { widget.eventReceived(name, data); } } /** @return {TabContext[]} */ getTabContexts() { return this.tabContexts; } /** @returns {TabContext} */ getActiveTabContext() { const activeTabEl = tabRow.activeTabEl; if (!activeTabEl) { return null; } const tabId = activeTabEl.getAttribute('data-tab-id'); return this.tabContexts.find(tc => tc.tabId === tabId); } /** @returns {string|null} */ getActiveTabNotePath() { const activeContext = this.getActiveTabContext(); return activeContext ? activeContext.notePath : null; } /** @return {NoteFull} */ getActiveTabNote() { const activeContext = this.getActiveTabContext(); return activeContext ? activeContext.note : null; } /** @return {string|null} */ getActiveTabNoteId() { const activeNote = this.getActiveTabNote(); return activeNote ? activeNote.noteId : null; } /** @return {string|null} */ getActiveTabNoteType() { const activeNote = this.getActiveTabNote(); return activeNote ? activeNote.type : null; } async switchToTab(tabId, notePath) { const tabContext = this.tabContexts.find(tc => tc.tabId === tabId); if (!tabContext) { await noteDetailService.loadNoteDetail(notePath, { newTab: true, activate: true }); } else { await tabContext.activate(); if (notePath && tabContext.notePath !== notePath) { await treeService.activateNote(notePath); } } } async showTab(tabId) { for (const ctx of this.tabContexts) { if (ctx.tabId === tabId) { await; } else { ctx.hide(); } } const oldActiveNode = this.getMainNoteTree().getActiveNode(); if (oldActiveNode) { oldActiveNode.setActive(false); } const newActiveTabContext = this.getActiveTabContext(); if (newActiveTabContext && newActiveTabContext.notePath) { const newActiveNode = await this.getMainNoteTree().getNodeFromPath(newActiveTabContext.notePath); if (newActiveNode) { if (!newActiveNode.isVisible()) { await this.getMainNoteTree().expandToNote(newActiveTabContext.notePath); } newActiveNode.setActive(true, {noEvents: true}); } } } showWidgets() { const $leftPane = $("#left-pane"); this.noteTreeWidget = new NoteTreeWidget(this); this.widgets = [ new GlobalButtonsWidget(this), new SearchBoxWidget(this), new SearchResultsWidget(this), this.noteTreeWidget ]; for (const widget of this.widgets) { const $widget = widget.render(); $leftPane.append($widget); } } /** * @return {NoteTreeWidget} */ getMainNoteTree() { return this.noteTreeWidget; } getTab(newTab, state) { if (!this.getActiveTabContext() || newTab) { // if it's a new tab explicitly by user then it's in background const ctx = new TabContext(tabRow, state); this.tabContexts.push(ctx); return ctx; } else { return this.getActiveTabContext(); } } async reloadAllTabs() { for (const tabContext of this.tabContexts) { await this.reloadTab(tabContext); } } async refreshTabs(sourceTabId, noteId) { for (const tc of this.tabContexts) { if (tc.noteId === noteId && tc.tabId !== sourceTabId) { await this.reloadTab(tc); } } } async reloadTab(tc) { if (tc.note) { noteDetailService.reloadNote(tc); } } async openEmptyTab() { const ctx = new TabContext(tabRow); this.tabContexts.push(ctx); await tabRow.activateTab(ctx.$tab[0]); } } const appContext = new AppContext(); tabRow.addListener('newTab', () => appContext.openEmptyTab()); tabRow.addListener('activeTabChange', async ({ detail }) => { const tabId = detail.tabEl.getAttribute('data-tab-id'); await appContext.showTab(tabId); }); tabRow.addListener('tabRemove', async ({ detail }) => { const tabId = detail.tabEl.getAttribute('data-tab-id'); appContext.tabContexts.filter(nc => nc.tabId === tabId) .forEach(tc => tc.remove()); appContext.tabContexts = appContext.tabContexts.filter(nc => nc.tabId !== tabId); if (appContext.tabContexts.length === 0) { appContext.openEmptyTab(); } }); export default appContext;