[General] # Instance name can be used to distinguish between different instances using backend api.getInstanceName() instanceName= # set to true to allow using Trilium without authentication (makes sense for server build only, desktop build doesn't need password) noAuthentication=false # set to true to disable backups (e.g. because of limited space on server) noBackup=false # Disable automatically generating desktop icon # noDesktopIcon=true [Network] # host setting is relevant only for web deployments - set the host on which the server will listen # host= # port setting is relevant only for web deployments, desktop builds run on a fixed port (changeable with TRILIUM_PORT environment variable) port=8080 # true for TLS/SSL/HTTPS (secure), false for HTTP (insecure). https=false # path to certificate (run "bash bin/generate-cert.sh" to generate self-signed certificate). Relevant only if https=true certPath= keyPath= # setting to give trust to reverse proxies, a comma-separated list of trusted rev. proxy IPs can be specified (CIDR notation is permitted), # alternatively 'true' will make use of the leftmost IP in X-Forwarded-For, ultimately an integer can be used to tell about the number of hops between # Trilium (which is hop 0) and the first trusted rev. proxy. # once set, expressjs will use the X-Forwarded-For header set by the rev. proxy to determinate the real IPs of clients. # expressjs shortcuts are supported: loopback(, ::1/128), linklocal(, fe80::/10), uniquelocal(,,, fc00::/7) trustedReverseProxy=false