import noteDetailService from '../services/note_detail.js'; import utils from '../services/utils.js'; import server from '../services/server.js'; const $showDialogButton = $(".show-labels-button"); const $dialog = $("#labels-dialog"); const $saveLabelsButton = $("#save-labels-button"); const $labelsBody = $('#labels-table tbody'); const labelsModel = new LabelsModel(); let labelNames = []; function LabelsModel() { const self = this; this.labels = ko.observableArray(); this.loadLabels = async function() { const noteId = noteDetailService.getCurrentNoteId(); const labels = await server.get('notes/' + noteId + '/labels'); self.labels(; addLastEmptyRow(); labelNames = await server.get('labels/names'); // label might not be rendered immediatelly so could not focus setTimeout(() => $(".label-name:last").focus(), 100); $labelsBody.sortable({ handle: '.handle', containment: $labelsBody, update: function() { let position = 0; // we need to update positions by searching in the DOM, because order of the // labels in the viewmodel (self.labels()) stays the same $labelsBody.find('input[name="position"]').each(function() { const attr = self.getTargetLabel(this); attr().position = position++; }); } }); }; this.deleteLabel = function(data, event) { const attr = self.getTargetLabel(; const attrData = attr(); if (attrData) { attrData.isDeleted = 1; attr(attrData); addLastEmptyRow(); } }; function isValid() { for (let attrs = self.labels(), i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) { if (self.isEmptyName(i)) { return false; } } return true; } = async function() { // we need to defocus from input (in case of enter-triggered save) because value is updated // on blur event (because of conflict with jQuery UI Autocomplete). Without this, input would // stay in focus, blur wouldn't be triggered and change wouldn't be updated in the viewmodel. $saveLabelsButton.focus(); if (!isValid()) { alert("Please fix all validation errors and try saving again."); return; } const noteId = noteDetailService.getCurrentNoteId(); const labelsToSave = self.labels() .map(attr => attr()) .filter(attr => attr.labelId !== "" || !== ""); const labels = await server.put('notes/' + noteId + '/labels', labelsToSave); self.labels(; addLastEmptyRow(); utils.showMessage("Labels have been saved."); noteDetailService.loadLabelList(); }; function addLastEmptyRow() { const attrs = self.labels().filter(attr => attr().isDeleted === 0); const last = attrs.length === 0 ? null : attrs[attrs.length - 1](); if (!last || !== "" || last.value !== "") { self.labels.push(ko.observable({ labelId: '', name: '', value: '', isDeleted: 0, position: 0 })); } } this.labelChanged = function (data, event) { addLastEmptyRow(); const attr = self.getTargetLabel(; attr.valueHasMutated(); }; this.isNotUnique = function(index) { const cur = self.labels()[index](); if ( === "") { return false; } for (let attrs = self.labels(), i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) { const attr = attrs[i](); if (index !== i && === { return true; } } return false; }; this.isEmptyName = function(index) { const cur = self.labels()[index](); return === "" && (cur.labelId !== "" || cur.value !== ""); }; this.getTargetLabel = function(target) { const context = ko.contextFor(target); const index = context.$index(); return self.labels()[index]; } } async function showDialog() { glob.activeDialog = $dialog; await labelsModel.loadLabels(); $dialog.dialog({ modal: true, width: 800, height: 500 }); } $(document).bind('keydown', 'alt+a', e => { showDialog(); e.preventDefault(); }); ko.applyBindings(labelsModel, document.getElementById('labels-dialog')); $(document).on('focus', '.label-name', function (e) { if (!$(this).hasClass("ui-autocomplete-input")) { $(this).autocomplete({ // shouldn't be required and autocomplete should just accept array of strings, but that fails // because we have overriden filter() function in init.js source: => { return { label: attr, value: attr } }), minLength: 0 }); } $(this).autocomplete("search", $(this).val()); }); $(document).on('focus', '.label-value', async function (e) { if (!$(this).hasClass("ui-autocomplete-input")) { const labelName = $(this).parent().parent().find('.label-name').val(); if (labelName.trim() === "") { return; } const labelValues = await server.get('labels/values/' + encodeURIComponent(labelName)); if (labelValues.length === 0) { return; } $(this).autocomplete({ // shouldn't be required and autocomplete should just accept array of strings, but that fails // because we have overriden filter() function in init.js source: => { return { label: attr, value: attr } }), minLength: 0 }); } $(this).autocomplete("search", $(this).val()); }); $; export default { showDialog };