function notecase2html(note) { let noteText = note.detail.note_text; let formatting = note.formatting; let links = note.links; let images = note.images; let offset = 0; let lastTag = null; function inject(target, injected, position) { offset += injected.length; return noteText.substr(0, position) + injected + noteText.substr(position); } for (let fmt of formatting) { if (tags[fmt.fmt_tag]) { noteText = inject(noteText, tags[fmt.fmt_tag], fmt.note_offset + offset); } } offset = 0; for (let link of links) { let linkHtml = '' + link.lnk_text + ''; noteText = noteText.substr(0, link.note_offset + offset) + noteText.substr(link.note_offset + offset + link.lnk_text.length); noteText = inject(noteText, linkHtml, link.note_offset + offset); offset -= link.lnk_text.length; } offset = 0; for (let image of images) { let type = image.is_png ? "png" : "jpg"; let imgHtml = 'Embedded Image'; noteText = inject(noteText, imgHtml, image.note_offset + offset); } noteText = noteText.replace(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/g, '
'); noteText = noteText.replace(/ /g, '  '); return noteText; }