const backup = require('./backup'); const sql = require('./sql'); const options = require('./options'); const fs = require('fs-extra'); const log = require('./log'); const path = require('path'); const MIGRATIONS_DIR = path.resolve(__dirname, "..", "migrations"); if (!fs.existsSync(MIGRATIONS_DIR)) { log.error("Could not find migration directory: " + MIGRATIONS_DIR); process.exit(1); } async function migrate() { const migrations = []; // backup before attempting migration await backup.backupNow(); const currentDbVersion = parseInt(await options.getOption('db_version')); fs.readdirSync(MIGRATIONS_DIR).forEach(file => { const match = file.match(/([0-9]{4})__([a-zA-Z0-9_ ]+)\.(sql|js)/); if (match) { const dbVersion = parseInt(match[1]); if (dbVersion > currentDbVersion) { const name = match[2]; const type = match[3]; const migrationRecord = { dbVersion: dbVersion, name: name, file: file, type: type }; migrations.push(migrationRecord); } } }); migrations.sort((a, b) => a.dbVersion - b.dbVersion); for (const mig of migrations) { try {"Attempting migration to version " + mig.dbVersion); // needs to happen outside of the transaction (otherwise it's a NO-OP) await sql.execute("PRAGMA foreign_keys = OFF"); await sql.doInTransaction(async () => { if (mig.type === 'sql') { const migrationSql = fs.readFileSync(MIGRATIONS_DIR + "/" + mig.file).toString('utf8'); console.log("Migration with SQL script: " + migrationSql); await sql.executeScript(migrationSql); } else if (mig.type === 'js') { console.log("Migration with JS module"); const migrationModule = require("../" + MIGRATIONS_DIR + "/" + mig.file); await migrationModule(db); } else { throw new Error("Unknown migration type " + mig.type); } await options.setOption("db_version", mig.dbVersion); });"Migration to version " + mig.dbVersion + " has been successful."); mig['success'] = true; } catch (e) { mig['success'] = false; mig['error'] = e.stack; log.error("error during migration to version " + mig.dbVersion + ": " + e.stack); break; } finally { // make sure foreign keys are enabled even if migration script disables them await sql.execute("PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON"); } } if (sql.isDbUpToDate()) { sql.setDbReadyAsResolved(); } return migrations; } module.exports = { migrate };