const eventService = require('./events'); const scriptService = require('./script'); const treeService = require('./tree'); const messagingService = require('./messaging'); eventService.subscribe(eventService.NOTE_TITLE_CHANGED, async note => { const attributes = await note.getAttributes(); const runRelations = attributes.filter(relation => relation.type === 'relation' && === 'runOnNoteTitleChange'); for (const relation of runRelations) { const scriptNote = await relation.getTargetNote(); await scriptService.executeNote(scriptNote, scriptNote, note); } if (!note.isRoot()) { const parents = await note.getParentNotes(); for (const parent of parents) { if (await parent.hasLabel("sorted")) { await treeService.sortNotesAlphabetically(parent.noteId); messagingService.sendMessageToAllClients({ type: 'refresh-tree' }); } } } });