const WebSocket = require('ws'); const utils = require('./utils'); const log = require('./log'); const sql = require('./sql'); const syncMutexService = require('./sync_mutex'); let webSocketServer; let lastSyncId = 0; function init(httpServer, sessionParser) { webSocketServer = new WebSocket.Server({ verifyClient: (info, done) => { sessionParser(info.req, {}, () => { const allowed = utils.isElectron() || info.req.session.loggedIn; if (!allowed) { log.error("WebSocket connection not allowed because session is neither electron nor logged in."); } done(allowed) }); }, server: httpServer }); webSocketServer.on('connection', (ws, req) => { console.log("websocket client connected"); ws.on('message', messageJson => { const message = JSON.parse(messageJson); lastSyncId = Math.max(lastSyncId, message.lastSyncId); if (message.type === 'log-error') { log.error('JS Error: ' + message.error); } else if (message.type === 'ping') { syncMutexService.doExclusively(async () => await sendPing(ws, lastSyncId)); } else { log.error('Unrecognized message: '); log.error(message); } }); }); } function sendMessage(client, message) { const jsonStr = JSON.stringify(message); if (client.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN) { client.send(jsonStr); } } function sendMessageToAllClients(message) { const jsonStr = JSON.stringify(message); if (webSocketServer) {"Sending message to all clients: " + jsonStr); webSocketServer.clients.forEach(function each(client) { if (client.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN) { client.send(jsonStr); } }); } } async function sendPing(client, lastSentSyncId) { const syncData = await sql.getRows("SELECT * FROM sync WHERE id > ?", [lastSentSyncId]); for (const sync of syncData) { // fill in some extra data needed by the frontend if (sync.entityName === 'attributes') { sync.noteId = await sql.getValue(`SELECT noteId FROM attributes WHERE attributeId = ?`, [sync.entityId]); } else if (sync.entityName === 'note_revisions') { sync.noteId = await sql.getValue(`SELECT noteId FROM note_revisions WHERE noteRevisionId = ?`, [sync.entityId]); } else if (sync.entityName === 'branches') { const {noteId, parentNoteId} = await sql.getRow(`SELECT noteId, parentNoteId FROM branches WHERE branchId = ?`, [sync.entityId]); sync.noteId = noteId; sync.parentNoteId = parentNoteId; } } const stats = require('./sync').stats; sendMessage(client, { type: 'sync', data: syncData, outstandingSyncs: stats.outstandingPushes + stats.outstandingPulls }); } function refreshTree() { sendMessageToAllClients({ type: 'refresh-tree' }); } function syncPullInProgress() { sendMessageToAllClients({ type: 'sync-pull-in-progress' }); } async function syncPullFinished() { sendMessageToAllClients({ type: 'sync-pull-finished' }); } module.exports = { init, sendMessageToAllClients, refreshTree, syncPullInProgress, syncPullFinished };