const sql = require('./sql'); const sqlInit = require('./sql_init'); const syncTableService = require('./sync_table'); const repository = require('./repository'); let noteTitles; let noteIds; const childToParent = {}; const hideInAutocomplete = {}; async function load() { noteTitles = await sql.getMap(`SELECT noteId, LOWER(title) FROM notes WHERE isDeleted = 0 AND isProtected = 0`); noteIds = Object.keys(noteTitles); const relations = await sql.getRows(`SELECT noteId, parentNoteId FROM branches WHERE isDeleted = 0`); for (const rel of relations) { childToParent[rel.noteId] = childToParent[rel.noteId] || []; childToParent[rel.noteId].push(rel.parentNoteId); } const hiddenLabels = await sql.getColumn(`SELECT noteId FROM labels WHERE isDeleted = 0 AND name = 'hideInAutocomplete'`); for (const noteId of hiddenLabels) { hideInAutocomplete[noteId] = true; } } function getResults(query) { if (!noteTitles || query.length <= 2) { return []; } const tokens = query.toLowerCase().split(" "); const results = []; for (const noteId in noteTitles) { if (hideInAutocomplete[noteId]) { continue; } const title = noteTitles[noteId]; const foundTokens = []; for (const token of tokens) { if (title.includes(token)) { foundTokens.push(token); } } if (foundTokens.length > 0) { const remainingTokens = tokens.filter(token => !foundTokens.includes(token)); search(childToParent[noteId], remainingTokens, [noteId], results); } } results.sort((a, b) => a.title < b.title ? -1 : 1); return results; } function search(noteIds, tokens, path, results) { if (!noteIds || noteIds.length === 0) { return; } if (tokens.length === 0) { const retPath = getSomePath(noteIds, path); if (retPath) { const noteTitle = getNoteTitle(retPath); results.push({ title: noteTitle, path: retPath.join('/') }); } return; } for (const noteId of noteIds) { if (results.length >= 200) { return; } if (noteId === 'root' || hideInAutocomplete[noteId]) { continue; } const title = noteTitles[noteId]; const foundTokens = []; for (const token of tokens) { if (title.includes(token)) { foundTokens.push(token); } } if (foundTokens.length > 0) { const remainingTokens = tokens.filter(token => !foundTokens.includes(token)); search(childToParent[noteId], remainingTokens, path.concat([noteId]), results); } else { search(childToParent[noteId], tokens, path.concat([noteId]), results); } } } function getNoteTitle(path) { const titles = => noteTitles[noteId]); return titles.join(' / '); } function getSomePath(noteIds, path) { for (const noteId of noteIds) { if (noteId === 'root') { path.reverse(); return path; } if (hideInAutocomplete[noteId]) { continue; } const parents = childToParent[noteId]; if (!parents || parents.length === 0) { continue; } const retPath = getSomePath(parents, path.concat([noteId])); if (retPath) { return retPath; } } return false; } syncTableService.addListener(async (entityName, entityId) => { if (entityName === 'notes') { const note = await repository.getNote(entityId); if (note.isDeleted) { delete noteTitles[note.noteId]; delete childToParent[note.noteId]; } else { noteTitles[note.noteId] = note.title; } } else if (entityName === 'labels') { const label = await repository.getLabel(entityId); if ( === 'hideInAutocomplete') { // we're not using label object directly, since there might be other non-deleted hideInAutocomplete label const hideLabel = await repository.getEntity(`SELECT * FROM labels WHERE isDeleted = 0 AND name = 'hideInAutocomplete' AND noteId = ?`, [label.noteId]); if (hideLabel) { hideInAutocomplete[label.noteId] = true; } else { delete hideInAutocomplete[label.noteId]; } } } }); sqlInit.dbReady.then(load); module.exports = { getResults };