const noteEditor = (function() { const treeEl = $("#tree"); const noteTitleEl = $("#note-title"); const noteDetailEl = $('#note-detail'); const encryptButton = $("#encrypt-button"); const decryptButton = $("#decrypt-button"); const noteDetailWrapperEl = $("#note-detail-wrapper"); const encryptionPasswordDialogEl = $("#encryption-password-dialog"); const encryptionPasswordEl = $("#encryption-password"); let currentNote = null; let currentNoteLoadTime = null; let noteChangeDisabled = false; let isNoteChanged = false; function getCurrentNote() { return currentNote; } function getCurrentNoteId() { return currentNote ? currentNote.detail.note_id : null; } function getCurrentNoteLoadTime() { return currentNoteLoadTime; } function noteChanged() { if (noteChangeDisabled) { return; } isNoteChanged = true; } async function saveNoteIfChanged() { if (!isNoteChanged) { return; } const note = noteEditor.getCurrentNote(); updateNoteFromInputs(note); encryption.encryptNoteIfNecessary(note); await saveNoteToServer(note); } function parseHtml(contents, note) { note.links = []; note.images = []; note.detail.note_text = contents; if (!note.detail.encryption) { const linkRegexp = /]+?href="[^"]*app#([A-Za-z0-9]{22})"[^>]*?>[^<]+?<\/a>/g; let match; while (match = linkRegexp.exec(contents)) { console.log("adding link for " + match[1]); note.links.push({ note_id: note.detail.note_id, target_note_id: match[1] }); } } } function updateNoteFromInputs(note) { const contents = noteDetailEl.summernote('code'); parseHtml(contents, note); const title = noteTitleEl.val(); getNodeByKey(note.detail.note_id).setTitle(title); note.detail.note_title = title; } async function saveNoteToServer(note) { await $.ajax({ url: baseApiUrl + 'notes/' + note.detail.note_id, type: 'PUT', data: JSON.stringify(note), contentType: "application/json", error: () => { error("Error saving the note!"); } }); isNoteChanged = false; message("Saved!"); } currentNote = null; currentNoteLoadTime = null; function createNewTopLevelNote() { let rootNode = treeEl.fancytree("getRootNode"); createNote(rootNode, "root", "into"); } let newNoteCreated = false; async function createNote(node, parentKey, target, encryption) { // if encryption isn't available (user didn't enter password yet), then note is created as unencrypted // but this is quite weird since user doesn't see where the note is being created so it shouldn't occur often if (!encryption || !encryption.isEncryptionAvailable()) { encryption = 0; } const newNoteName = "new note"; const newNoteNameEncryptedIfNecessary = encryption > 0 ? encryption.encryptString(newNoteName) : newNoteName; const result = await $.ajax({ url: baseApiUrl + 'notes/' + parentKey + '/children' , type: 'POST', data: JSON.stringify({ note_title: newNoteNameEncryptedIfNecessary, target: target, target_note_id: node.key, encryption: encryption }), contentType: "application/json" }); const newNode = { title: newNoteName, key: result.note_id, note_id: result.note_id, encryption: encryption, extraClasses: encryption ? "encrypted" : "" }; glob.allNoteIds.push(result.note_id); newNoteCreated = true; if (target === 'after') { node.appendSibling(newNode).setActive(true); } else { node.addChildren(newNode).setActive(true); node.folder = true; node.renderTitle(); } message("Created!"); } function setTreeBasedOnEncryption(note) { const node = getNodeByKey(note.detail.note_id); node.toggleClass("encrypted", note.detail.encryption > 0); } function setNoteBackgroundIfEncrypted(note) { if (note.detail.encryption > 0) { $(".note-editable").addClass("encrypted"); encryptButton.hide();; } else { $(".note-editable").removeClass("encrypted");; decryptButton.hide(); } setTreeBasedOnEncryption(note); } async function loadNoteToEditor(noteId) { const note = await $.get(baseApiUrl + 'notes/' + noteId); currentNote = note; currentNoteLoadTime = Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000); if (newNoteCreated) { newNoteCreated = false; noteTitleEl.focus().select(); } await encryption.ensureEncryptionIsAvailable(note.detail.encryption > 0, false);; // this may fal if the dialog has not been previously opened try { encryptionPasswordDialogEl.dialog('close'); } catch(e) {} encryptionPasswordEl.val(''); encryption.decryptNoteIfNecessary(note); noteTitleEl.val(note.detail.note_title); noteChangeDisabled = true; // Clear contents and remove all stored history. This is to prevent undo from going across notes noteDetailEl.summernote('reset'); noteDetailEl.summernote('code', note.detail.note_text); document.location.hash = noteId; recentNotes.addRecentNote(noteId, note.detail.note_id); noteChangeDisabled = false; setNoteBackgroundIfEncrypted(note); } async function loadNote(noteId) { const note = await $.get(baseApiUrl + 'notes/' + noteId); if (note.detail.encryption > 0 && !encryption.isEncryptionAvailable()) { return; } encryption.decryptNoteIfNecessary(note); return note; } $(document).ready(() => { noteTitleEl.on('input', () => { noteChanged(); }); noteDetailEl.summernote({ airMode: true, height: 300, callbacks: { onChange: noteChanged } }); // so that tab jumps from note title (which has tabindex 1) $(".note-editable").attr("tabindex", 2); }); setInterval(saveNoteIfChanged, 5000); return { saveNoteIfChanged, updateNoteFromInputs, saveNoteToServer, createNewTopLevelNote, createNote, setNoteBackgroundIfEncrypted, setTreeBasedOnEncryption, loadNoteToEditor, loadNote, getCurrentNote, getCurrentNoteId, getCurrentNoteLoadTime }; })();