import CollapsibleWidget from "./standard_widget.js"; let linkMapContainerIdCtr = 1; const TPL = `
`; class LinkMapWidget extends CollapsibleWidget { getWidgetTitle() { return "Link map"; } getHelp() { return { title: "Link map shows incoming and outgoing links from/to the current note.", url: "" }; } getHeaderActions() { const $showFullButton = $("").append("show full").addClass('widget-header-action'); $showFullButton.on('click', async () => { const linkMapDialog = await import("../dialogs/link_map.js"); linkMapDialog.showDialog(); }); return [$showFullButton]; } async refreshWithNote() { this.$body.css('opacity', 0); this.$body.html(TPL); const $linkMapContainer = this.$body.find('.link-map-container'); $linkMapContainer.attr("id", "link-map-container-" + linkMapContainerIdCtr++); $linkMapContainer.css("height", "300px"); const LinkMapServiceClass = (await import('../services/link_map.js')).default; this.linkMapService = new LinkMapServiceClass(this.tabContext.note, $linkMapContainer, { maxDepth: 1, zoom: 0.6 }); await this.linkMapService.render(); this.$body.animate({opacity: 1}, 300); } cleanup() { if (this.linkMapService) { this.linkMapService.cleanup(); } } entitiesReloadedListener({loadResults}) { if (loadResults.getAttributes().find(attr => attr.type === 'relation' && (attr.noteId === this.noteId || attr.value === this.noteId))) { this.refresh(); } } } export default LinkMapWidget;