const sql = require('./sql'); const optionService = require('./options'); const dateUtils = require('./date_utils'); const syncTableService = require('./sync_table'); const attributeService = require('./attributes'); const eventService = require('./events'); const repository = require('./repository'); const Note = require('../entities/note'); const NoteImage = require('../entities/note_image'); const NoteRevision = require('../entities/note_revision'); const Branch = require('../entities/branch'); const Attribute = require('../entities/attribute'); async function getNewNotePosition(parentNoteId, noteData) { let newNotePos = 0; if ( === 'into') { const maxNotePos = await sql.getValue('SELECT MAX(notePosition) FROM branches WHERE parentNoteId = ? AND isDeleted = 0', [parentNoteId]); newNotePos = maxNotePos === null ? 0 : maxNotePos + 1; } else if ( === 'after') { const afterNote = await sql.getRow('SELECT notePosition FROM branches WHERE branchId = ?', [noteData.target_branchId]); newNotePos = afterNote.notePosition + 1; // not updating dateModified to avoig having to sync whole rows await sql.execute('UPDATE branches SET notePosition = notePosition + 1 WHERE parentNoteId = ? AND notePosition > ? AND isDeleted = 0', [parentNoteId, afterNote.notePosition]); await syncTableService.addNoteReorderingSync(parentNoteId); } else { throw new Error('Unknown target: ' +; } return newNotePos; } async function triggerChildNoteCreated(childNote, parentNote) { await eventService.emit(eventService.CHILD_NOTE_CREATED, { childNote, parentNote }); } async function triggerNoteTitleChanged(note) { await eventService.emit(eventService.NOTE_TITLE_CHANGED, note); } async function createNewNote(parentNoteId, noteData) { const newNotePos = await getNewNotePosition(parentNoteId, noteData); const parentNote = await repository.getNote(parentNoteId); noteData.type = noteData.type || parentNote.type; noteData.mime = noteData.mime || parentNote.mime; const note = await new Note({ title: noteData.title, content: noteData.content || '', isProtected: noteData.isProtected, type: noteData.type || 'text', mime: noteData.mime || 'text/html' }).save(); const branch = await new Branch({ noteId: note.noteId, parentNoteId: parentNoteId, notePosition: newNotePos, prefix: noteData.prefix, isExpanded: 0 }).save(); await triggerNoteTitleChanged(note); await triggerChildNoteCreated(note, parentNote); for (const attr of await parentNote.getAttributes()) { if ("child:")) { await new Attribute({ noteId: note.noteId, type: attr.type, name:, value: attr.value, position: attr.position, isInheritable: attr.isInheritable }).save(); note.invalidateAttributeCache(); } } return { note, branch }; } async function createNote(parentNoteId, title, content = "", extraOptions = {}) { if (!parentNoteId) throw new Error("Empty parentNoteId"); if (!title) throw new Error("Empty title"); const noteData = { title: title, content: extraOptions.json ? JSON.stringify(content, null, '\t') : content, target: 'into', isProtected: !!extraOptions.isProtected, type: extraOptions.type, mime: extraOptions.mime }; if (extraOptions.json && !noteData.type) { noteData.type = "code"; noteData.mime = "application/json"; } const {note, branch} = await createNewNote(parentNoteId, noteData); for (const attr of extraOptions.attributes || []) { await attributeService.createAttribute({ noteId: note.noteId, type: attr.type, name:, value: attr.value }); } await triggerNoteTitleChanged(note); return {note, branch}; } async function protectNoteRecursively(note, protect) { await protectNote(note, protect); for (const child of await note.getChildNotes()) { await protectNoteRecursively(child, protect); } } async function protectNote(note, protect) { if (protect !== note.isProtected) { note.isProtected = protect; await; } await protectNoteRevisions(note); } async function protectNoteRevisions(note) { for (const revision of await note.getRevisions()) { if (note.isProtected !== revision.isProtected) { revision.isProtected = note.isProtected; await; } } } async function saveNoteImages(note) { if (note.type !== 'text') { return; } const existingNoteImages = await note.getNoteImages(); const foundImageIds = []; const re = /src="\/api\/images\/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\//g; let match; while (match = re.exec(note.content)) { const imageId = match[1]; const existingNoteImage = existingNoteImages.find(ni => ni.imageId === imageId); if (!existingNoteImage) { await new NoteImage({ noteId: note.noteId, imageId: imageId }).save(); } // else we don't need to do anything foundImageIds.push(imageId); } // marking note images as deleted if they are not present on the page anymore const unusedNoteImages = existingNoteImages.filter(ni => !foundImageIds.includes(ni.imageId)); for (const unusedNoteImage of unusedNoteImages) { unusedNoteImage.isDeleted = true; await; } } async function saveNoteRevision(note) { const now = new Date(); const noteRevisionSnapshotTimeInterval = parseInt(await optionService.getOption('noteRevisionSnapshotTimeInterval')); const revisionCutoff = dateUtils.dateStr(new Date(now.getTime() - noteRevisionSnapshotTimeInterval * 1000)); const existingNoteRevisionId = await sql.getValue( "SELECT noteRevisionId FROM note_revisions WHERE noteId = ? AND dateModifiedTo >= ?", [note.noteId, revisionCutoff]); const msSinceDateCreated = now.getTime() - dateUtils.parseDateTime(note.dateCreated).getTime(); if (note.type !== 'file' && !await note.hasLabel('disableVersioning') && !existingNoteRevisionId && msSinceDateCreated >= noteRevisionSnapshotTimeInterval * 1000) { await new NoteRevision({ noteId: note.noteId, // title and text should be decrypted now title: note.title, content: note.content, type: note.type, mime: note.mime, isProtected: false, // will be fixed in the protectNoteRevisions() call dateModifiedFrom: note.dateModified, dateModifiedTo: dateUtils.nowDate() }).save(); } } async function updateNote(noteId, noteUpdates) { const note = await repository.getNote(noteId); if (note.type === 'file') { // for update file, newNote doesn't contain file payloads noteUpdates.content = note.content; } await saveNoteRevision(note); const noteTitleChanged = note.title !== noteUpdates.title; note.title = noteUpdates.title; note.setContent(noteUpdates.content); note.isProtected = noteUpdates.isProtected; await; if (noteTitleChanged) { await triggerNoteTitleChanged(note); } await saveNoteImages(note); await protectNoteRevisions(note); } async function deleteNote(branch) { if (!branch || branch.isDeleted) { return; } if (branch.branchId === 'root' || branch.noteId === 'root') { throw new Error("Can't delete root branch/note"); } branch.isDeleted = true; await; const note = await branch.getNote(); const notDeletedBranches = await note.getBranches(); if (notDeletedBranches.length === 0) { note.isDeleted = true; note.content = ''; await; for (const noteRevision of await note.getRevisions()) { noteRevision.content = ''; await; } for (const childBranch of await note.getChildBranches()) { await deleteNote(childBranch); } for (const attribute of await note.getOwnedAttributes()) { attribute.isDeleted = true; await; } const targetAttributes = await repository.getEntities("SELECT * FROM attributes WHERE type = 'relation' AND isDeleted = 0 AND value = ?", [note.noteId]); for (const attribute of targetAttributes) { attribute.isDeleted = true; await; } } } module.exports = { createNewNote, createNote, updateNote, deleteNote, protectNoteRecursively };