import server from "./server.js"; import noteDetailService from "./note_detail.js"; import libraryLoader from "./library_loader.js"; const $noteDetailRelationMap = $("#note-detail-relation-map"); const $relationMapCanvas = $("#relation-map-canvas"); const $addChildNotesButton = $("#relation-map-add-child-notes"); let mapData; let instance; let initDone = false; async function show() { $; await libraryLoader.requireLibrary(libraryLoader.RELATION_MAP); const currentNote = noteDetailService.getCurrentNote(); mapData = { notes: [], relations: [] }; if (currentNote.content) { try { mapData = JSON.parse(currentNote.content); } catch (e) { console.log("Could not parse content: ", e); } } jsPlumb.ready(async function () { const uniDirectionalOverlays = [ [ "Arrow", { location: 1, id: "arrow", length: 14, foldback: 0.8 } ], [ "Label", { label: "", id: "label", cssClass: "aLabel" }] ]; const biDirectionalOverlays = [ [ "Arrow", { location: 1, id: "arrow", length: 14, foldback: 0.8 } ], [ "Label", { label: "", id: "label", cssClass: "aLabel" }], [ "Arrow", { location: 0, id: "arrow2", length: 14, direction: -1, foldback: 0.8 } ] ]; instance = jsPlumb.getInstance({ Endpoint: ["Dot", {radius: 2}], Connector: "StateMachine", HoverPaintStyle: {stroke: "#1e8151", strokeWidth: 2 }, Container: "relation-map-canvas" }); instance.registerConnectionType("uniDirectional", { anchor:"Continuous", connector:"StateMachine", overlays: uniDirectionalOverlays }); instance.registerConnectionType("biDirectional", { anchor:"Continuous", connector:"StateMachine", overlays: biDirectionalOverlays }); // instance.bind("connection", function (info) { // const connection = info.connection; // let name = "none"; // // if (initDone) { // name = prompt("Specify new connection label:"); // // mapData.relations.push({ // connectionId:, // source: connection.sourceId, // target: connection.targetId, // name: name // }); // // saveData(); // } // // connection.getOverlay("label").setLabel(name); // }); jsPlumb.on($relationMapCanvas[0], "dblclick", function(e) { newNode(jsPlumbUtil.uuid(),"new", e.offsetX, e.offsetY); }); $relationMapCanvas.contextmenu({ delegate: ".note-box", menu: [ {title: "Remove note", cmd: "remove", uiIcon: "ui-icon-trash"}, {title: "Edit title", cmd: "edit-title", uiIcon: "ui-icon-pencil"}, ], select: function(event, ui) { const $noteBox =".note-box"); const noteId = $noteBox.prop("id"); if (ui.cmd === "remove") { if (!confirm("Are you sure you want to remove the note?")) { return; } instance.remove(noteId); mapData.notes = mapData.notes.filter(note => !== noteId); mapData.relations = mapData.relations.filter(relation => relation.source !== noteId && !== noteId); saveData(); } else if (ui.cmd === "edit-title") { const title = prompt("Enter new note title:"); if (!title) { return; } const note = mapData.notes.find(note => === noteId); note.title = title; $noteBox.find(".title").text(note.title); saveData(); } } }); $.widget("moogle.contextmenuRelation", $.moogle.contextmenu, {}); $relationMapCanvas.contextmenuRelation({ delegate: ".aLabel,.jtk-connector", autoTrigger: false, // it doesn't open automatically, needs to be triggered explicitly by .open() call menu: [ {title: "Remove relation", cmd: "remove", uiIcon: "ui-icon-trash"}, {title: "Edit relation name", cmd: "edit-name", uiIcon: "ui-icon-pencil"}, ], select: function(event, ui) { const {connection} = ui.extraData; if (ui.cmd === 'remove') { if (!confirm("Are you sure you want to remove the relation?")) { return; } instance.deleteConnection(connection); mapData.relations = mapData.relations.filter(relation => relation.connectionId !==; saveData(); } else if (ui.cmd === 'edit-name') { const relationName = prompt("Specify new relation name:"); connection.getOverlay("label").setLabel(relationName); const relation = mapData.relations.find(relation => relation.connectionId ===; = relationName; saveData(); } } }); instance.bind("contextmenu", function (c, e) { e.preventDefault(); $relationMapCanvas.contextmenuRelation("open", e, { connection: c }); }); const noteIds = =>; const data = await"notes/relation-map", { noteIds }); const relations = []; for (const relation of data.relations) { const match = relations.find(rel => === && ((rel.sourceNoteId === relation.sourceNoteId && rel.targetNoteId === relation.targetNoteId) || (rel.sourceNoteId === relation.targetNoteId && rel.targetNoteId === relation.sourceNoteId))); if (match) { match.type = 'biDirectional'; } else { relation.type = 'uniDirectional'; relations.push(relation); } } mapData.notes = mapData.notes.filter(note => in data.noteTitles); instance.batch(function () { const maxY = mapData.notes.filter(note => !!note.y).map(note => note.y).reduce((a, b) => Math.max(a, b), 0); let curX = 100; let curY = maxY + 200; for (const note of mapData.notes) { const title = data.noteTitles[]; if (note.x && note.y) { newNode(, title, note.x, note.y); } else { newNode(, title, curX, curY); if (curX > 1000) { curX = 100; curY += 200; } else { curX += 200; } } } for (const relation of relations) { if ( === 'isChildOf') { continue; } const connection = instance.connect({ id: `${relation.sourceNoteId}${relation.targetNoteId}`, source: relation.sourceNoteId, target: relation.targetNoteId, type: relation.type }); relation.connectionId =; connection.getOverlay("label").setLabel(; connection.canvas.setAttribute("data-connection-id",; } initDone = true; }); // so that canvas is not panned when clicking/dragging note box $relationMapCanvas.on('mousedown touchstart', '.note-box, .aLabel', e => e.stopPropagation());"jsPlumbDemoLoaded", instance); const pz = panzoom($relationMapCanvas[0], { maxZoom: 2, minZoom: 0.1, smoothScroll: false }); if (mapData.transform) { pz.moveTo(mapData.transform.x, mapData.transform.y); pz.zoomTo(0, 0, mapData.transform.scale); } $relationMapCanvas[0].addEventListener('zoom', function(e) { mapData.transform = pz.getTransform(); saveData(); }); $relationMapCanvas[0].addEventListener('panend', function(e) { mapData.transform = pz.getTransform(); saveData(); }, true); }); } function saveData() { noteDetailService.noteChanged(); } function initNode(el) { instance.draggable(el, { handle: ".handle", start:function(params) { }, drag:function(params) { }, stop:function(params) { const note = mapData.notes.find(note => ===; if (!note) { console.error(`Note ${} not found!`); return; } [note.x, note.y] = params.finalPos; saveData(); } }); instance.makeSource(el, { filter: ".endpoint", anchor: "Continuous", connectorStyle: { stroke: "#5c96bc", strokeWidth: 2, outlineStroke: "transparent", outlineWidth: 4 }, connectionType: "basic", extract:{ "action": "the-action" } }); instance.makeTarget(el, { dropOptions: { hoverClass: "dragHover" }, anchor: "Continuous", allowLoopback: true }); // this is not part of the core demo functionality; it is a means for the Toolkit edition's wrapped // version of this demo to find out about new nodes being added. //"jsPlumbDemoNodeAdded", el); } function newNode(id, title, x, y) { const $noteBox = $("
") .addClass("note-box") .prop("id", id) .append($("
").addClass("handle")) .append($("").addClass("title").text(title)) .append($("
").addClass("endpoint")) .css("left", x + "px") .css("top", y + "px"); instance.getContainer().appendChild($noteBox[0]); initNode($noteBox[0]); } $ () => { const children = await server.get("notes/" + noteDetailService.getCurrentNoteId() + "/children"); const maxY = mapData.notes.filter(note => !!note.y).map(note => note.y).reduce((a, b) => Math.max(a, b), 0); let curX = 100; let curY = maxY + 200; for (const child of children) { if (mapData.notes.some(note => === child.noteId)) { // note already exists continue; } const note = { id: child.noteId }; mapData.notes.push(note); newNode(, note.title, curX, curY); if (curX > 1000) { curX = 100; curY += 200; } else { curX += 200; } } for (const child of children) { for (const relation of child.relations) { const connection = instance.connect({ id: relation.attributeId, source: child.noteId, target: relation.targetNoteId, type: "basic" }); if (!connection) { continue; } mapData.relations.push({ source: child.noteId, target: relation.targetNoteId, name: }); relation.connectionId =; connection.getOverlay("label").setLabel(; connection.canvas.setAttribute("data-connection-id",; } } saveData(); }); export default { show, getContent: () => JSON.stringify(mapData), focus: () => null, onNoteChange: () => null }