import utils from "./utils.js"; import treeCache from "./tree_cache.js"; import ws from "./ws.js"; import hoistedNoteService from "./hoisted_note.js"; async function prepareTree() { const hoistedNoteId = await hoistedNoteService.getHoistedNoteId(); let hoistedBranch; if (hoistedNoteId === 'root') { hoistedBranch = treeCache.getBranch('root'); } else { const hoistedNote = await treeCache.getNote(hoistedNoteId); hoistedBranch = (await hoistedNote.getBranches())[0]; } return [ await prepareNode(hoistedBranch) ]; } async function prepareBranch(note) { if (note.type === 'search') { return await prepareSearchBranch(note); } else { return await prepareRealBranch(note); } } const NOTE_TYPE_ICONS = { "file": "bx bx-file", "image": "bx bx-image", "code": "bx bx-code", "render": "bx bx-extension", "search": "bx bx-file-find", "relation-map": "bx bx-map-alt", "book": "bx bx-book" }; async function getIcon(note) { const hoistedNoteId = await hoistedNoteService.getHoistedNoteId(); if (note.iconClass) { return note.iconClass; } else if (note.noteId === 'root') { return "bx bx-chevrons-right"; } else if (note.noteId === hoistedNoteId) { return "bx bxs-arrow-from-bottom"; } else if (note.type === 'text') { if (note.hasChildren()) { return "bx bx-folder"; } else { return "bx bx-note"; } } else { return NOTE_TYPE_ICONS[note.type]; } } async function prepareNode(branch) { const note = await branch.getNote(); const title = (branch.prefix ? (branch.prefix + " - ") : "") + note.title; const hoistedNoteId = await hoistedNoteService.getHoistedNoteId(); const node = { noteId: note.noteId, parentNoteId: branch.parentNoteId, branchId: branch.branchId, isProtected: note.isProtected, noteType: note.type, title: utils.escapeHtml(title), extraClasses: await getExtraClasses(note), icon: await getIcon(note), refKey: note.noteId, expanded: branch.isExpanded || hoistedNoteId === note.noteId, lazy: true, key: utils.randomString(12) // this should prevent some "duplicate key" errors }; if (note.hasChildren() || note.type === 'search') { node.folder = true; } return node; } async function prepareRealBranch(parentNote) { utils.assertArguments(parentNote); const childBranches = await parentNote.getChildBranches(); if (!childBranches) { ws.logError(`No children for ${parentNote}. This shouldn't happen.`); return; } const noteList = []; for (const branch of childBranches) { const node = await prepareNode(branch); noteList.push(node); } return noteList; } async function prepareSearchBranch(note) { await treeCache.reloadNotes([note.noteId]); const newNote = await treeCache.getNote(note.noteId); return await prepareRealBranch(newNote); } async function getExtraClasses(note) { utils.assertArguments(note); const extraClasses = []; if (note.isProtected) { extraClasses.push("protected"); } if (note.getParentNoteIds().length > 1) { extraClasses.push("multiple-parents"); } if (note.cssClass) { extraClasses.push(note.cssClass); } extraClasses.push(utils.getNoteTypeClass(note.type)); if (note.mime) { // some notes should not have mime type (e.g. render) extraClasses.push(utils.getMimeTypeClass(note.mime)); } if (note.archived) { extraClasses.push("archived"); } return extraClasses.join(" "); } export default { prepareTree, prepareBranch, getExtraClasses, getIcon }