Settings on this options tab are saved automatically after each change.

Zooming can be controlled with CTRL-+ and CTRL-= shortcuts as well.

Left pane sizing

Left pane width is calculated from the percent of window size, if this is smaller than minimum width, then minimum width is used. If you want to have fixed width left pane, set minimum width to the desired width and set percent to 0.

Protected session timeout is a time period after which the protected session is wiped out from browser's memory. This is measured from the last interaction with protected notes.

Note revision snapshot time interval is time in seconds after which new note revision will be created for the note.

Sync configuration

Sync test

This will test connection and handshake to the sync server. If sync server isn't initialized, this will set it up to sync with local document.



This action will create a new copy of the database and anonymise it (remove all note content and leave only structure and metadata) for sharing online for debugging purposes without fear of leaking your personal data.

Image cleanup

This will remove all image data of images not used in any current version of note from the database (metadata will remain). This means that some images can disappear from note revisions.

Vacuum database

This will rebuild database which will typically result in smaller database file. No data will be actually changed.

App version:
DB version:
Sync version:
Build date:
Build revision: