"use strict"; const noteEditor = (function() { const noteTitleEl = $("#note-title"); const noteDetailEl = $('#note-detail'); const protectButton = $("#protect-button"); const unprotectButton = $("#unprotect-button"); const noteDetailWrapperEl = $("#note-detail-wrapper"); let editor = null; let currentNote = null; let noteChangeDisabled = false; let isNoteChanged = false; function getCurrentNote() { return currentNote; } function getCurrentNoteId() { return currentNote ? currentNote.detail.note_id : null; } function noteChanged() { if (noteChangeDisabled) { return; } isNoteChanged = true; } async function reload() { // no saving here await loadNoteToEditor(getCurrentNoteId()); } async function switchToNote(noteId) { if (getCurrentNoteId() !== noteId) { await saveNoteIfChanged(); await loadNoteToEditor(noteId); } } async function saveNoteIfChanged() { if (!isNoteChanged) { return; } const note = noteEditor.getCurrentNote(); updateNoteFromInputs(note); await saveNoteToServer(note); if (note.detail.is_protected) { protected_session.touchProtectedSession(); } } function updateNoteFromInputs(note) { note.detail.note_text = editor.getData(); const title = noteTitleEl.val(); note.detail.note_title = title; noteTree.setNoteTitle(note.detail.note_id, title); } async function saveNoteToServer(note) { await server.put('notes/' + note.detail.note_id, note); isNoteChanged = false; showMessage("Saved!"); } function setNoteBackgroundIfProtected(note) { if (note.detail.is_protected) { $("#note-detail").addClass("protected"); protectButton.hide(); unprotectButton.show(); } else { $("#note-detail").removeClass("protected"); protectButton.show(); unprotectButton.hide(); } noteTree.setCurrentNoteTreeBasedOnProtectedStatus(); } let isNewNoteCreated = false; function newNoteCreated() { isNewNoteCreated = true; } async function loadNoteToEditor(noteId) { currentNote = await server.get('notes/' + noteId); if (isNewNoteCreated) { isNewNoteCreated = false; noteTitleEl.focus().select(); } await protected_session.ensureProtectedSession(currentNote.detail.is_protected, false); if (currentNote.detail.is_protected) { protected_session.touchProtectedSession(); } // this might be important if we focused on protected note when not in protected note and we got a dialog // to login, but we chose instead to come to another node - at that point the dialog is still visible and this will close it. protected_session.ensureDialogIsClosed(); noteDetailWrapperEl.show(); noteChangeDisabled = true; noteTitleEl.val(currentNote.detail.note_title); editor.setData(currentNote.detail.note_text); noteChangeDisabled = false; setNoteBackgroundIfProtected(currentNote); showAppIfHidden(); } async function loadNote(noteId) { return await server.get('notes/' + noteId); } function getEditor() { return editor; } $(document).ready(() => { noteTitleEl.on('input', () => { noteChanged(); const title = noteTitleEl.val(); noteTree.setNoteTitle(getCurrentNoteId(), title); }); BalloonEditor .create(document.querySelector('#note-detail'), { }) .then(edit => { editor = edit; editor.document.on('changesDone', noteChanged); }) .catch(error => { console.error(error); }); // so that tab jumps from note title (which has tabindex 1) noteDetailEl.attr("tabindex", 2); }); setInterval(saveNoteIfChanged, 5000); return { reload, switchToNote, saveNoteIfChanged, updateNoteFromInputs, saveNoteToServer, setNoteBackgroundIfProtected, loadNote, getCurrentNote, getCurrentNoteId, newNoteCreated, getEditor }; })();