const fs = require("fs"); const sanitize = require("sanitize-filename"); const sql = require("./sql"); const decryptService = require("./decrypt"); const dataKeyService = require("./data_key"); const extensionService = require("./extension"); function dumpDocument(documentPath, targetPath, options) { const stats = { succeeded: 0, failed: 0, protected: 0, deleted: 0 }; validatePaths(documentPath, targetPath); sql.openDatabase(documentPath); const dataKey = dataKeyService.getDataKey(options.password); const existingPaths = {}; const noteIdToPath = {}; dumpNote(targetPath, 'root'); printDumpResults(stats, options); function dumpNote(targetPath, noteId) { console.log(`Reading note '${noteId}'`); let childTargetPath, noteRow, fileNameWithPath; try { noteRow = sql.getRow("SELECT * FROM notes WHERE noteId = ?", [noteId]); if (noteRow.isDeleted) { stats.deleted++; if (!options.includeDeleted) { console.log(`Note '${noteId}' is deleted and --include-deleted option is not used, skipping.`); return; } } if (noteRow.isProtected) { stats.protected++; noteRow.title = decryptService.decryptString(dataKey, noteRow.title); } let safeTitle = sanitize(noteRow.title); if (safeTitle.length > 20) { safeTitle = safeTitle.substring(0, 20); } childTargetPath = targetPath + '/' + safeTitle; for (let i = 1; i < 100000 && childTargetPath in existingPaths; i++) { childTargetPath = targetPath + '/' + safeTitle + '_' + i; } existingPaths[childTargetPath] = true; if (noteRow.noteId in noteIdToPath) { const message = `Note '${noteId}' has been already dumped to ${noteIdToPath[noteRow.noteId]}`; console.log(message); fs.writeFileSync(childTargetPath, message); return; } let {content} = sql.getRow("SELECT content FROM blobs WHERE blobId = ?", [noteRow.blobId]); if (content !== null && noteRow.isProtected && dataKey) { content = decryptService.decrypt(dataKey, content); } if (isContentEmpty(content)) { console.log(`Note '${noteId}' is empty, skipping.`); } else { fileNameWithPath = extensionService.getFileName(noteRow, childTargetPath, safeTitle); fs.writeFileSync(fileNameWithPath, content); stats.succeeded++; console.log(`Dumped note '${noteId}' into ${fileNameWithPath} successfully.`); } noteIdToPath[noteId] = childTargetPath; } catch (e) { console.error(`DUMPERROR: Writing '${noteId}' failed with error '${e.message}':\n${e.stack}`); stats.failed++; } const childNoteIds = sql.getColumn("SELECT noteId FROM branches WHERE parentNoteId = ?", [noteId]); if (childNoteIds.length > 0) { if (childTargetPath === fileNameWithPath) { childTargetPath += '_dir'; } try { fs.mkdirSync(childTargetPath, {recursive: true}); } catch (e) { console.error(`DUMPERROR: Creating directory ${childTargetPath} failed with error '${e.message}'`); } for (const childNoteId of childNoteIds) { dumpNote(childTargetPath, childNoteId); } } } } function printDumpResults(stats, options) { console.log('\n----------------------- STATS -----------------------'); console.log('Successfully dumpted notes: ', stats.succeeded.toString().padStart(5, ' ')); console.log('Protected notes: ', stats.protected.toString().padStart(5, ' '), options.password ? '' : '(skipped)'); console.log('Failed notes: ', stats.failed.toString().padStart(5, ' ')); console.log('Deleted notes: ', stats.deleted.toString().padStart(5, ' '), options.includeDeleted ? "(dumped)" : "(at least, skipped)"); console.log('-----------------------------------------------------'); if (!options.password && stats.protected > 0) { console.log("\nWARNING: protected notes are present in the document but no password has been provided. Protected notes have not been dumped."); } } function isContentEmpty(content) { if (!content) { return true; } if (typeof content === "string") { return !content.trim() || content.trim() === '

'; } else if (Buffer.isBuffer(content)) { return content.length === 0; } else { return false; } } function validatePaths(documentPath, targetPath) { if (!fs.existsSync(documentPath)) { console.error(`Path to document '${documentPath}' has not been found. Run with --help to see usage.`); process.exit(1); } if (!fs.existsSync(targetPath)) { const ret = fs.mkdirSync(targetPath, {recursive: true}); if (!ret) { console.error(`Target path '${targetPath}' could not be created. Run with --help to see usage.`); process.exit(1); } } } module.exports = { dumpDocument };