#!/usr/bin/env node process.on('unhandledRejection', error => { // this makes sure that stacktrace of failed promise is printed out console.log(error); // but also try to log it into file require('./services/log').info(error); }); process.on('SIGINT', function() { console.log("Caught interrupt signal. Exiting."); process.exit(); }); const { app, sessionParser } = require('./app'); const debug = require('debug')('node:server'); const fs = require('fs'); const http = require('http'); const https = require('https'); const config = require('./services/config'); const log = require('./services/log'); const appInfo = require('./services/app_info'); const ws = require('./services/ws.js'); const utils = require('./services/utils'); const sqlInit = require('./services/sql_init'); const port = require('./services/port'); const host = require('./services/host'); const semver = require('semver'); if (!semver.satisfies(process.version, ">=10.5.0")) { console.error("Trilium only supports node.js 10.5 and later"); process.exit(1); } let httpServer; async function startTrilium() { const usedPort = await port; const usedHost = await host; app.set('port', usedPort); app.set('host', usedHost); if (config['Network']['https']) { if (!config['Network']['keyPath'] || !config['Network']['keyPath'].trim().length) { throw new Error("keyPath in config.ini is required when https=true, but it's empty"); } if (!config['Network']['certPath'] || !config['Network']['certPath'].trim().length) { throw new Error("certPath in config.ini is required when https=true, but it's empty"); } const options = { key: fs.readFileSync(config['Network']['keyPath']), cert: fs.readFileSync(config['Network']['certPath']) }; httpServer = https.createServer(options, app); log.info("App HTTPS server starting up at port " + usedPort); } else { httpServer = http.createServer(app); log.info("App HTTP server starting up at port " + usedPort); } log.info(JSON.stringify(appInfo, null, 2)); /** * Listen on provided port, on all network interfaces. */ httpServer.keepAliveTimeout = 120000 * 5; httpServer.listen(usedPort, usedHost); httpServer.on('error', error => { if (error.syscall !== 'listen') { throw error; } // handle specific listen errors with friendly messages switch (error.code) { case 'EACCES': console.error(`Port ${usedPort} requires elevated privileges`); process.exit(1); break; case 'EADDRINUSE': console.error(`Port ${usedPort} is already in use`); process.exit(1); break; default: throw error; } } ); httpServer.on('listening', () => debug('Listening on port' + httpServer.address().port)); sqlInit.dbReady.then(() => ws.init(httpServer, sessionParser)); if (utils.isElectron()) { const electronRouting = require('./routes/electron'); electronRouting(app); } } startTrilium();