import utils from "../services/utils.js"; import linkService from "../services/link.js"; import ws from "../services/ws.js"; import CollapsibleWidget from "./collapsible_widget.js"; class AttributesWidget extends CollapsibleWidget { getWidgetTitle() { return "Attributes"; } getHelp() { return { title: "Attributes are key-value records owned by assigned to this note.", url: "" }; } getHeaderActions() { const $showFullButton = $("").append("show dialog").addClass('widget-header-action'); $showFullButton.on('click', async () => { const attributesDialog = await import("../dialogs/attributes.js"); attributesDialog.showDialog(); }); return [$showFullButton]; } async refreshWithNote(note) { const attributes = await note.getAttributes(); const ownedAttributes = note.getOwnedAttributes(); if (attributes.length === 0) { this.$body.text("No attributes yet..."); return; } const $attributesContainer = $("
"); await this.renderAttributes(ownedAttributes, $attributesContainer); const inheritedAttributes = attributes.filter(attr => attr.noteId !== this.tabContext.note.noteId); if (inheritedAttributes.length > 0) { const $inheritedAttrs = $("").append($("").text("Inherited: ")); const $showInheritedAttributes = $("") .attr("href", "javascript:") .text("+show inherited") .on('click', () => { $showInheritedAttributes.hide(); $; }); const $hideInheritedAttributes = $("") .attr("href", "javascript:") .text("-hide inherited") .on('click', () => { $; $inheritedAttrs.hide(); }); $attributesContainer.append($showInheritedAttributes); $attributesContainer.append($inheritedAttrs); await this.renderAttributes(inheritedAttributes, $inheritedAttrs); $inheritedAttrs.append($hideInheritedAttributes); $inheritedAttrs.hide(); } this.$body.empty().append($attributesContainer); } async renderAttributes(attributes, $container) { for (const attribute of attributes) { if (attribute.type === 'label') { $container.append(utils.formatLabel(attribute) + " "); } else if (attribute.type === 'relation') { if (attribute.value) { $container.append('@' + + "="); $container.append(await linkService.createNoteLink(attribute.value)); $container.append(" "); } else { ws.logError(`Relation ${attribute.attributeId} has empty target`); } } else if (attribute.type === 'label-definition' || attribute.type === 'relation-definition') { $container.append( + " definition "); } else { ws.logError("Unknown attr type: " + attribute.type); } } } entitiesReloadedListener({loadResults}) { if (loadResults.getAttributes().find(attr => attr.noteId === this.noteId)) { this.refresh(); } } } export default AttributesWidget;