CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "notes_mig" ( `noteId` TEXT NOT NULL, `title` TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT "note", `isProtected` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `type` TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT 'text', `mime` TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT 'text/html', `hash` TEXT DEFAULT "" NOT NULL, `isDeleted` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `isErased` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `dateCreated` TEXT NOT NULL, `dateModified` TEXT NOT NULL, `utcDateCreated` TEXT NOT NULL, `utcDateModified` TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(`noteId`)); INSERT INTO notes_mig (noteId, title, isProtected, type, mime, hash, isDeleted, isErased, dateCreated, dateModified, utcDateCreated, utcDateModified) SELECT noteId, title, isProtected, type, mime, hash, isDeleted, 0, dateCreated, dateModified, utcDateCreated, utcDateModified FROM notes; DROP TABLE notes; ALTER TABLE notes_mig RENAME TO notes; UPDATE notes SET isErased = 1 WHERE isDeleted = 1 AND (SELECT CASE content WHEN NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END FROM note_contents WHERE note_contents.noteId = notes.noteId); CREATE INDEX `IDX_notes_isDeleted` ON `notes` (`isDeleted`); CREATE INDEX `IDX_notes_title` ON `notes` (`title`); CREATE INDEX `IDX_notes_type` ON `notes` (`type`); CREATE INDEX `IDX_notes_dateCreated` ON `notes` (`dateCreated`); CREATE INDEX `IDX_notes_dateModified` ON `notes` (`dateModified`); CREATE INDEX `IDX_notes_utcDateModified` ON `notes` (`utcDateModified`); CREATE INDEX `IDX_notes_utcDateCreated` ON `notes` (`utcDateCreated`);