import server from './server.js';
import utils from './utils.js';
import toastService from './toast.js';
import linkService from './link.js';
import froca from './froca.js';
import noteTooltipService from './note_tooltip.js';
import protectedSessionService from './protected_session.js';
import dateNotesService from './date_notes.js';
import searchService from './search.js';
import RightPanelWidget from '../widgets/right_panel_widget.js';
import ws from "./ws.js";
import appContext from "../components/app_context.js";
import NoteContextAwareWidget from "../widgets/note_context_aware_widget.js";
import BasicWidget from "../widgets/basic_widget.js";
import SpacedUpdate from "./spaced_update.js";
import shortcutService from "./shortcuts.js";
import dialogService from "./dialog.js";
* A whole number
* @typedef {number} int
* An instance of the frontend api available globally.
* @global
* @var {FrontendScriptApi} api
* <p>This is the main frontend API interface for scripts. All the properties and methods are published in the "api" object
* available in the JS frontend notes. You can use e.g. <code>api.showMessage(api.startNote.title);</code></p>
* @constructor
function FrontendScriptApi(startNote, currentNote, originEntity = null, $container = null) {
* Container of all the rendered script content
* @type {jQuery}
* */
this.$container = $container;
* Note where the script started executing, i.e., the (event) entrypoint of the current script execution.
* @type {FNote}
this.startNote = startNote;
* Note where the script is currently executing, i.e. the note where the currently executing source code is written.
* @type {FNote}
this.currentNote = currentNote;
* Entity whose event triggered this execution.
* @type {object|null}
this.originEntity = originEntity;
* day.js library for date manipulation.
* See {@link} for documentation
* @see
* @type {dayjs}
this.dayjs = dayjs;
/** @type {RightPanelWidget} */
this.RightPanelWidget = RightPanelWidget;
/** @type {NoteContextAwareWidget} */
this.NoteContextAwareWidget = NoteContextAwareWidget;
/** @type {BasicWidget} */
this.BasicWidget = BasicWidget;
* Activates note in the tree and in the note detail.
* @method
* @param {string} notePath (or noteId)
* @returns {Promise<void>}
this.activateNote = async notePath => {
await appContext.tabManager.getActiveContext().setNote(notePath);
* Activates newly created note. Compared to this.activateNote() also makes sure that frontend has been fully synced.
* @param {string} notePath (or noteId)
* @returns {Promise<void>}
this.activateNewNote = async notePath => {
await ws.waitForMaxKnownEntityChangeId();
await appContext.tabManager.getActiveContext().setNote(notePath);
await appContext.triggerEvent('focusAndSelectTitle');
* Open a note in a new tab.
* @method
* @param {string} notePath (or noteId)
* @param {boolean} activate - set to true to activate the new tab, false to stay on the current tab
* @returns {Promise<void>}
this.openTabWithNote = async (notePath, activate) => {
await ws.waitForMaxKnownEntityChangeId();
await appContext.tabManager.openTabWithNoteWithHoisting(notePath, { activate });
if (activate) {
await appContext.triggerEvent('focusAndSelectTitle');
* Open a note in a new split.
* @method
* @param {string} notePath (or noteId)
* @param {boolean} activate - set to true to activate the new split, false to stay on the current split
* @returns {Promise<void>}
this.openSplitWithNote = async (notePath, activate) => {
await ws.waitForMaxKnownEntityChangeId();
const subContexts = appContext.tabManager.getActiveContext().getSubContexts();
const {ntxId} = subContexts[subContexts.length - 1];
await appContext.triggerCommand("openNewNoteSplit", {ntxId, notePath});
if (activate) {
await appContext.triggerEvent('focusAndSelectTitle');
* Adds a new launcher to the launchbar. If the launcher (id) already exists, it will be updated.
* @method
* @deprecated you can now create/modify launchers in the top-left Menu -> Configure Launchbar
* for special needs there's also backend API's createOrUpdateLauncher()
* @param {object} opts
* @param {string} opts.title
* @param {function} opts.action - callback handling the click on the button
* @param {string} [] - id of the button, used to identify the old instances of this button to be replaced
* ID is optional because of BC, but not specifying it is deprecated. ID can be alphanumeric only.
* @param {string} [opts.icon] - name of the boxicon to be used (e.g. "time" for "bx-time" icon)
* @param {string} [opts.shortcut] - keyboard shortcut for the button, e.g. "alt+t"
this.addButtonToToolbar = async opts => {
console.warn("api.addButtonToToolbar() has been deprecated since v0.58 and may be removed in the future. Use Menu -> Configure Launchbar to create/update launchers instead.");
const {action, ...reqBody} = opts;
reqBody.action = action.toString();
await server.put('special-notes/api-script-launcher', reqBody);
function prepareParams(params) {
if (!params) {
return params;
return => {
if (typeof p === "function") {
return `!@#Function: ${p.toString()}`;
else {
return p;
* @private
this.__runOnBackendInner = async (func, params, transactional) => {
if (typeof func === "function") {
func = func.toString();
const ret = await'script/exec', {
script: func,
params: prepareParams(params),
startNoteId: startNote.noteId,
currentNoteId: currentNote.noteId,
originEntityName: "notes", // currently there's no other entity on the frontend which can trigger event
originEntityId: originEntity ? originEntity.noteId : null,
}, "script");
if (ret.success) {
await ws.waitForMaxKnownEntityChangeId();
return ret.executionResult;
} else {
throw new Error(`server error: ${ret.error}`);
* Executes given anonymous function on the backend.
* Internally this serializes the anonymous function into string and sends it to backend via AJAX.
* Please make sure that the supplied function is synchronous. Only sync functions will work correctly
* with transaction management. If you really know what you're doing, you can call api.runAsyncOnBackendWithManualTransactionHandling()
* @method
* @param {function|string} func - (synchronous) function to be executed on the backend
* @param {Array.<?>} params - list of parameters to the anonymous function to be sent to backend
* @returns {Promise<*>} return value of the executed function on the backend
this.runOnBackend = async (func, params = []) => {
if (func? === "AsyncFunction" || func?.startsWith?.("async ")) {
toastService.showError("You're passing an async function to api.runOnBackend() which will likely not work as you intended. "
+ "Either make the function synchronous (by removing 'async' keyword), or use api.runAsyncOnBackendWithManualTransactionHandling()");
return await this.__runOnBackendInner(func, params, true);
* Executes given anonymous function on the backend.
* Internally this serializes the anonymous function into string and sends it to backend via AJAX.
* This function is meant for advanced needs where an async function is necessary.
* In this case, the automatic request-scoped transaction management is not applied,
* and you need to manually define transaction via api.transactional().
* If you have a synchronous function, please use api.runOnBackend().
* @method
* @param {function|string} func - (synchronous) function to be executed on the backend
* @param {Array.<?>} params - list of parameters to the anonymous function to be sent to backend
* @returns {Promise<*>} return value of the executed function on the backend
this.runAsyncOnBackendWithManualTransactionHandling = async (func, params = []) => {
if (func? === "Function" || func?.startsWith?.("function")) {
toastService.showError("You're passing a synchronous function to api.runAsyncOnBackendWithManualTransactionHandling(), " +
"while you should likely use api.runOnBackend() instead.");
return await this.__runOnBackendInner(func, params, false);
* This is a powerful search method - you can search by attributes and their values, e.g.:
* "#dateModified =* MONTH AND #log". See full documentation for all options at:
* @method
* @param {string} searchString
* @returns {Promise<FNote[]>}
this.searchForNotes = async searchString => {
return await searchService.searchForNotes(searchString);
* This is a powerful search method - you can search by attributes and their values, e.g.:
* "#dateModified =* MONTH AND #log". See full documentation for all options at:
* @method
* @param {string} searchString
* @returns {Promise<FNote|null>}
this.searchForNote = async searchString => {
const notes = await this.searchForNotes(searchString);
return notes.length > 0 ? notes[0] : null;
* Returns note by given noteId. If note is missing from the cache, it's loaded.
* @method
* @param {string} noteId
* @returns {Promise<FNote>}
this.getNote = async noteId => await froca.getNote(noteId);
* Returns list of notes. If note is missing from the cache, it's loaded.
* This is often used to bulk-fill the cache with notes which would have to be picked one by one
* otherwise (by e.g. createLink())
* @method
* @param {string[]} noteIds
* @param {boolean} [silentNotFoundError] - don't report error if the note is not found
* @returns {Promise<FNote[]>}
this.getNotes = async (noteIds, silentNotFoundError = false) => await froca.getNotes(noteIds, silentNotFoundError);
* Update frontend tree (note) cache from the backend.
* @method
* @param {string[]} noteIds
this.reloadNotes = async noteIds => await froca.reloadNotes(noteIds);
* Instance name identifies particular Trilium instance. It can be useful for scripts
* if some action needs to happen on only one specific instance.
* @method
* @returns {string}
this.getInstanceName = () => window.glob.instanceName;
* @method
* @param {Date} date
* @returns {string} date in YYYY-MM-DD format
this.formatDateISO = utils.formatDateISO;
* @method
* @param {string} str
* @returns {Date} parsed object
this.parseDate = utils.parseDate;
* Show an info toast message to the user.
* @method
* @param {string} message
this.showMessage = toastService.showMessage;
* Show an error toast message to the user.
* @method
* @param {string} message
this.showError = toastService.showError;
* Show an info dialog to the user.
* @method
* @param {string} message
* @returns {Promise}
this.showInfoDialog =;
* Show confirm dialog to the user.
* @method
* @param {string} message
* @returns {Promise<boolean>} promise resolving to true if the user confirmed
this.showConfirmDialog = dialogService.confirm;
* Show prompt dialog to the user.
* @method
* @param {object} props
* @param {string} props.title
* @param {string} props.message
* @param {string} props.defaultValue
* @returns {Promise<string>} promise resolving to the answer provided by the user
this.showPromptDialog = dialogService.prompt;
* Trigger command. This is a very low-level API which should be avoided if possible.
* @method
* @param {string} name
* @param {object} data
this.triggerCommand = (name, data) => appContext.triggerCommand(name, data);
* Trigger event. This is a very low-level API which should be avoided if possible.
* @method
* @param {string} name
* @param {object} data
this.triggerEvent = (name, data) => appContext.triggerEvent(name, data);
* Create a note link (jQuery object) for given note.
* @method
* @param {string} notePath (or noteId)
* @param {object} [params]
* @param {boolean} [params.showTooltip=true] - enable/disable tooltip on the link
* @param {boolean} [params.showNotePath=false] - show also whole note's path as part of the link
* @param {boolean} [params.showNoteIcon=false] - show also note icon before the title
* @param {string} [params.title] - custom link tile with note's title as default
* @param {string} [params.title=] - custom link tile with note's title as default
* @returns {jQuery} - jQuery element with the link (wrapped in <span>)
this.createLink = linkService.createLink;
/** @deprecated - use api.createLink() instead */
this.createNoteLink = linkService.createLink;
* Adds given text to the editor cursor
* @method
* @param {string} text - this must be clear text, HTML is not supported.
this.addTextToActiveContextEditor = text => appContext.triggerCommand('addTextToActiveEditor', {text});
* @method
* @returns {FNote} active note (loaded into center pane)
this.getActiveContextNote = () => appContext.tabManager.getActiveContextNote();
* @method
* @returns {NoteContext} - returns active context (split)
this.getActiveContext = () => appContext.tabManager.getActiveContext();
* @method
* @returns {NoteContext} - returns active main context (first split in a tab, represents the tab as a whole)
this.getActiveMainContext = () => appContext.tabManager.getActiveMainContext();
* @method
* @returns {NoteContext[]} - returns all note contexts (splits) in all tabs
this.getNoteContexts = () => appContext.tabManager.getNoteContexts();
* @method
* @returns {NoteContext[]} - returns all main contexts representing tabs
this.getMainNoteContexts = () => appContext.tabManager.getMainNoteContexts();
* See for documentation on the returned instance.
* @method
* @returns {Promise<BalloonEditor>} instance of CKEditor
this.getActiveContextTextEditor = () => appContext.tabManager.getActiveContext()?.getTextEditor();
* See
* @method
* @returns {Promise<CodeMirror>} instance of CodeMirror
this.getActiveContextCodeEditor = () => appContext.tabManager.getActiveContext()?.getCodeEditor();
* Get access to the widget handling note detail. Methods like `getWidgetType()` and `getTypeWidget()` to get to the
* implementation of actual widget type.
* @method
* @returns {Promise<NoteDetailWidget>}
this.getActiveNoteDetailWidget = () => new Promise(resolve => appContext.triggerCommand('executeInActiveNoteDetailWidget', {callback: resolve}));
* @method
* @returns {Promise<string|null>} returns a note path of active note or null if there isn't active note
this.getActiveContextNotePath = () => appContext.tabManager.getActiveContextNotePath();
* Returns component which owns the given DOM element (the nearest parent component in DOM tree)
* @method
* @param {Element} el - DOM element
* @returns {Component}
this.getComponentByEl = el => appContext.getComponentByEl(el);
* @method
* @param {object} $el - jquery object on which to set up the tooltip
* @returns {Promise<void>}
this.setupElementTooltip = noteTooltipService.setupElementTooltip;
* @method
* @param {string} noteId
* @param {boolean} protect - true to protect note, false to unprotect
* @returns {Promise<void>}
this.protectNote = async (noteId, protect) => {
await protectedSessionService.protectNote(noteId, protect, false);
* @method
* @param {string} noteId
* @param {boolean} protect - true to protect subtree, false to unprotect
* @returns {Promise<void>}
this.protectSubTree = async (noteId, protect) => {
await protectedSessionService.protectNote(noteId, protect, true);
* Returns date-note for today. If it doesn't exist, it is automatically created.
* @method
* @returns {Promise<FNote>}
this.getTodayNote = dateNotesService.getTodayNote;
* Returns day note for a given date. If it doesn't exist, it is automatically created.
* @method
* @param {string} date - e.g. "2019-04-29"
* @returns {Promise<FNote>}
this.getDayNote = dateNotesService.getDayNote;
* Returns day note for the first date of the week of the given date. If it doesn't exist, it is automatically created.
* @method
* @param {string} date - e.g. "2019-04-29"
* @returns {Promise<FNote>}
this.getWeekNote = dateNotesService.getWeekNote;
* Returns month-note. If it doesn't exist, it is automatically created.
* @method
* @param {string} month - e.g. "2019-04"
* @returns {Promise<FNote>}
this.getMonthNote = dateNotesService.getMonthNote;
* Returns year-note. If it doesn't exist, it is automatically created.
* @method
* @param {string} year - e.g. "2019"
* @returns {Promise<FNote>}
this.getYearNote = dateNotesService.getYearNote;
* Hoist note in the current tab. See
* @method
* @param {string} noteId - set hoisted note. 'root' will effectively unhoist
* @returns {Promise<void>}
this.setHoistedNoteId = (noteId) => {
const activeNoteContext = appContext.tabManager.getActiveContext();
if (activeNoteContext) {
* @method
* @param {string} keyboardShortcut - e.g. "ctrl+shift+a"
* @param {function} handler
* @param {string} [namespace] - specify namespace of the handler for the cases where call for bind may be repeated.
* If a handler with this ID exists, it's replaced by the new handler.
* @returns {Promise<void>}
this.bindGlobalShortcut = shortcutService.bindGlobalShortcut;
* Trilium runs in a backend and frontend process, when something is changed on the backend from a script,
* frontend will get asynchronously synchronized.
* This method returns a promise which resolves once all the backend -> frontend synchronization is finished.
* Typical use case is when a new note has been created, we should wait until it is synced into frontend and only then activate it.
* @method
* @returns {Promise<void>}
this.waitUntilSynced = ws.waitForMaxKnownEntityChangeId;
* This will refresh all currently opened notes which have included note specified in the parameter
* @param includedNoteId - noteId of the included note
* @returns {Promise<void>}
this.refreshIncludedNote = includedNoteId => appContext.triggerEvent('refreshIncludedNote', {noteId: includedNoteId});
* Return randomly generated string of given length. This random string generation is NOT cryptographically secure.
* @method
* @param {int} length of the string
* @returns {string} random string
this.randomString = utils.randomString;
* @method
* @param {int} size in bytes
* @return {string} formatted string
this.formatSize = utils.formatSize;
* @method
* @param {int} size in bytes
* @return {string} formatted string
* @deprecated - use api.formatSize()
this.formatNoteSize = utils.formatSize;
this.logMessages = {};
this.logSpacedUpdates = {};
* Log given message to the log pane in UI
* @param message
* @returns {void}
this.log = message => {
const {noteId} = this.startNote;
message = `${}: ${message}`;
console.log(`Script ${noteId}: ${message}`);
this.logMessages[noteId] = this.logMessages[noteId] || [];
this.logSpacedUpdates[noteId] = this.logSpacedUpdates[noteId] || new SpacedUpdate(() => {
const messages = this.logMessages[noteId];
this.logMessages[noteId] = [];
appContext.triggerEvent("apiLogMessages", {noteId, messages});
}, 100);
export default FrontendScriptApi;