"use strict"; /* * This file resolves trilium data path in this order of priority: * - if TRILIUM_DATA_DIR environment variable exists, then its value is used as the path * - if "trilium-data" dir exists directly in the home dir, then it is used * - based on OS convention, if the "app data directory" exists, we'll use or create "trilium-data" directory there * - as a fallback if previous step fails, we'll use home dir */ const os = require('os'); const fs = require('fs'); function getAppDataDir() { let appDataDir = os.homedir(); // fallback if OS is not recognized if (os.platform() === 'win32') { appDataDir = process.env.APPDATA; } else if (os.platform() === 'linux') { appDataDir = os.homedir() + '/.local/share'; } else if (os.platform() === 'darwin') { appDataDir = os.homedir() + '/Library/Application Support'; } if (!fs.existsSync(appDataDir)) { // expected app data path doesn't exist, let's use fallback appDataDir = os.homedir(); } return appDataDir; } const DIR_NAME = 'trilium-data'; function getTriliumDataDir() { if (process.env.TRILIUM_DATA_DIR) { if (!fs.existsSync(process.env.TRILIUM_DATA_DIR)) { fs.mkdirSync(process.env.TRILIUM_DATA_DIR, 0o700); } return process.env.TRILIUM_DATA_DIR; } const homePath = os.homedir() + "/" + DIR_NAME; if (fs.existsSync(homePath)) { return homePath; } const appDataPath = getAppDataDir() + '/' + DIR_NAME; if (!fs.existsSync(appDataPath)) { fs.mkdirSync(appDataPath, 0o700); } return appDataPath; } const TRILIUM_DATA_DIR = getTriliumDataDir(); const DOCUMENT_PATH = TRILIUM_DATA_DIR + "/document.db"; const BACKUP_DIR = TRILIUM_DATA_DIR + "/backup"; const LOG_DIR = TRILIUM_DATA_DIR + "/log"; const ANONYMIZED_DB_DIR = TRILIUM_DATA_DIR + "/anonymized-db"; module.exports = { TRILIUM_DATA_DIR, DOCUMENT_PATH, BACKUP_DIR, LOG_DIR, ANONYMIZED_DB_DIR };