"use strict"; const noteCacheService = require('../../services/note_cache'); const repository = require('../../services/repository'); const log = require('../../services/log'); async function getAutocomplete(req) { const query = req.query.query; const currentNoteId = req.query.currentNoteId || 'none'; let results; const timestampStarted = Date.now(); if (query.trim().length === 0) { results = await getRecentNotes(currentNoteId); } else { results = noteCacheService.findNotes(query); } const msTaken = Date.now() - timestampStarted; if (msTaken >= 100) { log.info(`Slow autocomplete took ${msTaken}ms`); } return results; } async function getRecentNotes(currentNoteId) { const recentNotes = await repository.getEntities(` SELECT recent_notes.* FROM recent_notes JOIN branches USING(branchId) WHERE recent_notes.isDeleted = 0 AND branches.isDeleted = 0 AND branches.noteId != ? ORDER BY dateCreated DESC LIMIT 200`, [currentNoteId]); return recentNotes.map(rn => { const title = noteCacheService.getNoteTitleForPath(rn.notePath.split('/')); return { path: rn.notePath, title: title, highlighted: title }; }); } module.exports = { getAutocomplete };