"use strict"; const tarExportService = require('../../services/export/tar'); const singleExportService = require('../../services/export/single'); const opmlExportService = require('../../services/export/opml'); const repository = require("../../services/repository"); const messagingService = require("../../services/messaging"); const log = require("../../services/log"); class ExportContext { constructor(exportId) { // exportId is to distinguish between different export events - it is possible (though not recommended) // to have multiple exports going at the same time this.exportId = exportId; // count is mean to represent count of exported notes where practical, otherwise it's just some measure of progress this.progressCount = 0; this.lastSentCountTs = Date.now(); } async increaseProgressCount() { this.progressCount++; if (Date.now() - this.lastSentCountTs >= 200) { this.lastSentCountTs = Date.now(); await messagingService.sendMessageToAllClients({ exportId: this.exportId, type: 'export-progress-count', progressCount: this.progressCount }); } } async exportFinished() { await messagingService.sendMessageToAllClients({ exportId: this.exportId, type: 'export-finished' }); } // must remaing static async reportError(message) { await messagingService.sendMessageToAllClients({ type: 'export-error', message: message }); } } async function exportBranch(req, res) { const {branchId, type, format, exportId} = req.params; const branch = await repository.getBranch(branchId); const exportContext = new ExportContext(exportId); try { if (type === 'subtree' && (format === 'html' || format === 'markdown')) { await tarExportService.exportToTar(exportContext, branch, format, res); } else if (type === 'single') { await singleExportService.exportSingleNote(exportContext, branch, format, res); } else if (format === 'opml') { await opmlExportService.exportToOpml(exportContext, branch, res); } else { return [404, "Unrecognized export format " + format]; } } catch (e) { const message = "Export failed with following error: '" + e.message + "'. More details might be in the logs."; exportContext.reportError(message); log.error(message + e.stack); res.status(500).send(message); } } module.exports = { exportBranch };