"use strict"; const sql = require('./sql'); const syncTableService = require('../services/sync_table'); const eventService = require('./events'); const cls = require('./cls'); let entityConstructor; async function setEntityConstructor(constructor) { entityConstructor = constructor; } async function getEntityFromName(entityName, entityId) { if (!entityName || !entityId) { return null; } const constructor = entityConstructor.getEntityFromEntityName(entityName); return await getEntity(`SELECT * FROM ${constructor.entityName} WHERE ${constructor.primaryKeyName} = ?`, [entityId]); } async function getEntities(query, params = []) { const rows = await sql.getRows(query, params); return rows.map(entityConstructor.createEntityFromRow); } async function getEntity(query, params = []) { const row = await sql.getRowOrNull(query, params); if (!row) { return null; } return entityConstructor.createEntityFromRow(row); } /** @returns {Note|null} */ async function getNote(noteId) { return await getEntity("SELECT * FROM notes WHERE noteId = ?", [noteId]); } /** @returns {Branch|null} */ async function getBranch(branchId) { return await getEntity("SELECT * FROM branches WHERE branchId = ?", [branchId]); } /** @returns {Image|null} */ async function getImage(imageId) { return await getEntity("SELECT * FROM images WHERE imageId = ?", [imageId]); } /** @returns {Attribute|null} */ async function getAttribute(attributeId) { return await getEntity("SELECT * FROM attributes WHERE attributeId = ?", [attributeId]); } /** @returns {Option|null} */ async function getOption(name) { return await getEntity("SELECT * FROM options WHERE name = ?", [name]); } async function updateEntity(entity) { const entityName = entity.constructor.entityName; const primaryKeyName = entity.constructor.primaryKeyName; const isNewEntity = !entity[primaryKeyName]; if (entity.beforeSaving) { await entity.beforeSaving(); } const clone = Object.assign({}, entity); // this check requires that updatePojo is not static if (entity.updatePojo) { await entity.updatePojo(clone); } // indicates whether entity actually changed delete clone.isChanged; for (const key in clone) { // !isBuffer is for images and attachments if (clone[key] !== null && typeof clone[key] === 'object' && !Buffer.isBuffer(clone[key])) { clone[key] = JSON.stringify(clone[key]); } } await sql.transactional(async () => { await sql.replace(entityName, clone); const primaryKey = entity[primaryKeyName]; if (entity.isChanged && (entityName !== 'options' || entity.isSynced)) { await syncTableService.addEntitySync(entityName, primaryKey); if (!cls.isEntityEventsDisabled()) { const eventPayload = { entityName, entity }; if (isNewEntity && !entity.isDeleted) { await eventService.emit(eventService.ENTITY_CREATED, eventPayload); } // it seems to be better to handle deletion and update separately await eventService.emit(entity.isDeleted ? eventService.ENTITY_DELETED : eventService.ENTITY_CHANGED, eventPayload); } } }); } module.exports = { getEntityFromName, getEntities, getEntity, getNote, getBranch, getImage, getAttribute, getOption, updateEntity, setEntityConstructor };