import appContext from "./services/app_context.js"; import utils from './services/utils.js'; import noteTooltipService from './services/note_tooltip.js'; import bundleService from "./services/bundle.js"; import noteAutocompleteService from './services/note_autocomplete.js'; import macInit from './services/mac_init.js'; import contextMenu from "./services/context_menu.js"; import DesktopMainWindowLayout from "./layouts/desktop_main_window_layout.js"; import glob from "./services/glob.js"; import DesktopExtraWindowLayout from "./layouts/desktop_extra_window_layout.js"; glob.setupGlobs(); if (utils.isElectron()) { utils.dynamicRequire('electron').ipcRenderer.on('globalShortcut', async function(event, actionName) { appContext.triggerCommand(actionName); }); } $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip({ html: true }); macInit.init(); bundleService.getWidgetBundlesByParent().then(widgetBundles => { const layout = window.glob.isMainWindow ? new DesktopMainWindowLayout(widgetBundles) : new DesktopExtraWindowLayout(widgetBundles); appContext.setLayout(layout); appContext.start(); }); noteTooltipService.setupGlobalTooltip(); noteAutocompleteService.init(); if (utils.isElectron()) { const electron = utils.dynamicRequire('electron'); const {webContents} = electron.remote.getCurrentWindow(); webContents.on('context-menu', (event, params) => { const {editFlags} = params; const hasText = params.selectionText.trim().length > 0; const isMac = process.platform === "darwin"; const platformModifier = isMac ? 'Meta' : 'Ctrl'; const items = []; if (params.misspelledWord) { for (const suggestion of params.dictionarySuggestions) { items.push({ title: suggestion, command: "replaceMisspelling", spellingSuggestion: suggestion, uiIcon: "empty" }); } items.push({ title: `Add "${params.misspelledWord}" to dictionary`, uiIcon: "plus", handler: () => webContents.session.addWordToSpellCheckerDictionary(params.misspelledWord) }); items.push({ title: `----` }); } if (params.isEditable) { items.push({ enabled: editFlags.canCut && hasText, title: `Cut ${platformModifier}+X`, uiIcon: "cut", handler: () => webContents.cut() }); } if (params.isEditable || hasText) { items.push({ enabled: editFlags.canCopy && hasText, title: `Copy ${platformModifier}+C`, uiIcon: "copy", handler: () => webContents.copy() }); } if (!["", "javascript:", "about:blank#blocked"].includes(params.linkURL) && params.mediaType === 'none') { items.push({ title: `Copy link`, uiIcon: "copy", handler: () => { electron.clipboard.write({ bookmark: params.linkText, text: params.linkURL }); } }); } if (params.isEditable) { items.push({ enabled: editFlags.canPaste, title: `Paste ${platformModifier}+V`, uiIcon: "paste", handler: () => webContents.paste() }); } if (params.isEditable) { items.push({ enabled: editFlags.canPaste, title: `Paste as plain text ${platformModifier}+Shift+V`, uiIcon: "paste", handler: () => webContents.pasteAndMatchStyle() }); } if (hasText) { const shortenedSelection = params.selectionText.length > 15 ? (params.selectionText.substr(0, 13) + "…") : params.selectionText; items.push({ enabled: editFlags.canPaste, title: `Search for "${shortenedSelection}" with DuckDuckGo`, uiIcon: "search-alt", handler: () =>`${encodeURIComponent(params.selectionText)}`) }); } if (items.length === 0) { return; }{ x: params.x, y: params.y, items, selectMenuItemHandler: ({command, spellingSuggestion}) => { if (command === 'replaceMisspelling') { webContents.insertText(spellingSuggestion); } } }); }); }