import server from "./server.js"; import treeCache from "./tree_cache.js"; import bundleService from "./bundle.js"; import DialogEventComponent from "./dialog_events.js"; import Entrypoints from "./entrypoints.js"; import options from "./options.js"; import utils from "./utils.js"; import ZoomService from "./zoom.js"; import Layout from "../widgets/layout.js"; import TabManager from "./tab_manager.js"; import treeService from "./tree.js"; class AppContext { constructor(layout) { this.layout = layout; this.tabManager = new TabManager(this); this.components = []; } async start() { options.load(await server.get('options')); this.showWidgets(); this.tabManager.loadTabs(); bundleService.executeStartupBundles(); } showWidgets() { const rootContainer = this.layout.getRootWidget(this); const $renderedWidget = rootContainer.render(); $("body").append($renderedWidget); $renderedWidget.on('click', "[data-trigger-event]", e => { const eventName = $('data-trigger-event'); this.trigger(eventName); }); this.components = [ this.tabManager, rootContainer, new Entrypoints(this), new DialogEventComponent(this) ]; if (utils.isElectron()) { this.components.push(new ZoomService(this)); import("./spell_check.js").then(spellCheckService => spellCheckService.initSpellCheck()); } this.trigger('initialRenderComplete'); } async trigger(name, data) { this.eventReceived(name, data); const promises = []; for (const component of this.components) { promises.push(component.eventReceived(name, data)); } await Promise.all(promises); } async eventReceived(name, data) { const fun = this[name + 'Listener']; if (typeof fun === 'function') { await, data); } } async protectedSessionStartedListener() { await treeCache.loadInitialTree(); this.trigger('treeCacheReloaded'); } } const layout = new Layout(); const appContext = new AppContext(layout); // we should save all outstanding changes before the page/app is closed $(window).on('beforeunload', () => { appContext.trigger('beforeUnload'); }); function isNotePathInAddress() { const [notePath, tabId] = getHashValueFromAddress(); return notePath.startsWith("root") // empty string is for empty/uninitialized tab || (notePath === '' && !!tabId); } $(window).on('hashchange', function() { if (isNotePathInAddress()) { const [notePath, tabId] = treeService.getHashValueFromAddress(); appContext.tabManager.switchToTab(tabId, notePath); } }); export default appContext;