Source: entities/note_short.js

import server from '../services/server.js';
import noteAttributeCache from "../services/note_attribute_cache.js";
import ws from "../services/ws.js";
import options from "../services/options.js";
import froca from "../services/froca.js";

const LABEL = 'label';
const RELATION = 'relation';

    "file": "bx bx-file",
    "image": "bx bx-image",
    "code": "bx bx-code",
    "render": "bx bx-extension",
    "search": "bx bx-file-find",
    "relation-map": "bx bx-map-alt",
    "book": "bx bx-book",
    "note-map": "bx bx-map-alt",
    "mermaid": "bx bx-selection"

 * FIXME: since there's no "full note" anymore we can rename this to Note
 * This note's representation is used in note tree and is kept in Froca.
class NoteShort {
     * @param {Froca} froca
     * @param {Object.<string, Object>} row
    constructor(froca, row) {
        this.froca = froca;

        /** @type {string[]} */
        this.attributes = [];

        /** @type {string[]} */
        this.targetRelations = [];

        /** @type {string[]} */
        this.parents = [];
        /** @type {string[]} */
        this.children = [];

        /** @type {Object.<string, string>} */
        this.parentToBranch = {};

        /** @type {Object.<string, string>} */
        this.childToBranch = {};


    update(row) {
        /** @type {string} */
        this.noteId = row.noteId;
        /** @type {string} */
        this.title = row.title;
        /** @type {boolean} */
        this.isProtected = !!row.isProtected;
         * one of 'text', 'code', 'file' or 'render'
         * @type {string}
        this.type = row.type;
         * content-type, e.g. "application/json"
         * @type {string}
        this.mime = row.mime;

    addParent(parentNoteId, branchId) {
        if (parentNoteId === 'none') {

        if (!this.parents.includes(parentNoteId)) {

        this.parentToBranch[parentNoteId] = branchId;

    addChild(childNoteId, branchId, sort = true) {
        if (!(childNoteId in this.childToBranch)) {

        this.childToBranch[childNoteId] = branchId;

        if (sort) {

    sortChildren() {
        const branchIdPos = {};

        for (const branchId of Object.values(this.childToBranch)) {
            branchIdPos[branchId] = this.froca.getBranch(branchId).notePosition;

        this.children.sort((a, b) => branchIdPos[this.childToBranch[a]] < branchIdPos[this.childToBranch[b]] ? -1 : 1);

    /** @returns {boolean} */
    isJson() {
        return this.mime === "application/json";

    async getContent() {
        // we're not caching content since these objects are in froca and as such pretty long lived
        const note = await server.get("notes/" + this.noteId);

        return note.content;

    async getJsonContent() {
        const content = await this.getContent();

        try {
            return JSON.parse(content);
        catch (e) {
            console.log(`Cannot parse content of note '${this.noteId}': `, e.message);

            return null;

     * @returns {string[]}
    getParentBranchIds() {
        return Object.values(this.parentToBranch);

     * @returns {string[]}
     * @deprecated use getParentBranchIds() instead
    getBranchIds() {
        return this.getParentBranchIds();

     * @returns {Branch[]}
    getParentBranches() {
        const branchIds = Object.values(this.parentToBranch);

        return this.froca.getBranches(branchIds);

     * @returns {Branch[]}
     * @deprecated use getParentBranches() instead
    getBranches() {
        return this.getParentBranches();

    /** @returns {boolean} */
    hasChildren() {
        return this.children.length > 0;

    /** @returns {Branch[]} */
    getChildBranches() {
        // don't use Object.values() to guarantee order
        const branchIds = => this.childToBranch[childNoteId]);

        return this.froca.getBranches(branchIds);

    /** @returns {string[]} */
    getParentNoteIds() {
        return this.parents;

    /** @returns {NoteShort[]} */
    getParentNotes() {
        return this.froca.getNotesFromCache(this.parents);

    // will sort the parents so that non-search & non-archived are first and archived at the end
    // this is done so that non-search & non-archived paths are always explored as first when looking for note path
    resortParents() {
        this.parents.sort((aNoteId, bNoteId) => {
            const aBranchId = this.parentToBranch[aNoteId];

            if (aBranchId && aBranchId.startsWith('virt-')) {
                return 1;

            const aNote = this.froca.getNoteFromCache([aNoteId]);

            if (aNote.hasLabel('archived')) {
                return 1;

            return -1;

    /** @returns {string[]} */
    getChildNoteIds() {
        return this.children;

    /** @returns {Promise<NoteShort[]>} */
    async getChildNotes() {
        return await this.froca.getNotes(this.children);

     * @param {string} [type] - (optional) attribute type to filter
     * @param {string} [name] - (optional) attribute name to filter
     * @returns {Attribute[]} all note's attributes, including inherited ones
    getOwnedAttributes(type, name) {
        const attrs = this.attributes
            .map(attributeId => this.froca.attributes[attributeId])
            .filter(Boolean); // filter out nulls;

        return this.__filterAttrs(attrs, type, name);

     * @param {string} [type] - (optional) attribute type to filter
     * @param {string} [name] - (optional) attribute name to filter
     * @returns {Attribute[]} all note's attributes, including inherited ones
    getAttributes(type, name) {
        return this.__filterAttrs(this.__getCachedAttributes([]), type, name);

    __getCachedAttributes(path) {
        // notes/clones cannot form tree cycles, it is possible to create attribute inheritance cycle via templates
        // when template instance is a parent of template itself
        if (path.includes(this.noteId)) {
            return [];

        if (!(this.noteId in noteAttributeCache.attributes)) {
            const newPath = [...path, this.noteId];
            const attrArrs = [ this.getOwnedAttributes() ];

            if (this.noteId !== 'root') {
                for (const parentNote of this.getParentNotes()) {
                    // these virtual parent-child relationships are also loaded into froca
                    if (parentNote.type !== 'search') {

            for (const templateAttr of attrArrs.flat().filter(attr => attr.type === 'relation' && === 'template')) {
                const templateNote = this.froca.notes[templateAttr.value];

                if (templateNote && templateNote.noteId !== this.noteId) {

            noteAttributeCache.attributes[this.noteId] = [];
            const addedAttributeIds = new Set();

            for (const attr of attrArrs.flat()) {
                if (!addedAttributeIds.has(attr.attributeId)) {


        return noteAttributeCache.attributes[this.noteId];

    isRoot() {
        return this.noted

    getAllNotePaths(encounteredNoteIds = null) {
        if (this.noteId === 'root') {
            return [['root']];

        if (!encounteredNoteIds) {
            encounteredNoteIds = new Set();


        const parentNotes = this.getParentNotes();
        let paths;

        if (parentNotes.length === 1) { // optimization for the most common case
            if (encounteredNoteIds.has(parentNotes[0].noteId)) {
                return [];
            else {
                paths = parentNotes[0].getAllNotePaths(encounteredNoteIds);
        else {
            paths = [];

            for (const parentNote of parentNotes) {
                if (encounteredNoteIds.has(parentNote.noteId)) {

                const newSet = new Set(encounteredNoteIds);


        for (const path of paths) {

        return paths;

    getSortedNotePaths(hoistedNotePath = 'root') {
        const notePaths = this.getAllNotePaths().map(path => ({
            notePath: path,
            isInHoistedSubTree: path.includes(hoistedNotePath),
            isArchived: path.find(noteId => froca.notes[noteId].hasLabel('archived')),
            isSearch: path.find(noteId => froca.notes[noteId].type === 'search'),
            isHidden: path.includes("hidden")

        notePaths.sort((a, b) => {
            if (a.isInHoistedSubTree !== b.isInHoistedSubTree) {
                return a.isInHoistedSubTree ? -1 : 1;
            } else if (a.isSearch !== b.isSearch) {
                return a.isSearch ? 1 : -1;
            } else if (a.isArchived !== b.isArchived) {
                return a.isArchived ? 1 : -1;
            } else {
                return a.notePath.length - b.notePath.length;

        return notePaths;

    __filterAttrs(attributes, type, name) {
        if (!type && !name) {
            return attributes;
        } else if (type && name) {
            return attributes.filter(attr => attr.type === type && === name);
        } else if (type) {
            return attributes.filter(attr => attr.type === type);
        } else if (name) {
            return attributes.filter(attr => === name);

    __getInheritableAttributes(path) {
        const attrs = this.__getCachedAttributes(path);

        return attrs.filter(attr => attr.isInheritable);

     * @param {string} [name] - label name to filter
     * @returns {Attribute[]} all note's labels (attributes with type label), including inherited ones
    getOwnedLabels(name) {
        return this.getOwnedAttributes(LABEL, name);

     * @param {string} [name] - label name to filter
     * @returns {Attribute[]} all note's labels (attributes with type label), including inherited ones
    getLabels(name) {
        return this.getAttributes(LABEL, name);

    getIcon() {
        const iconClassLabels = this.getLabels('iconClass');
        const workspaceIconClass = this.getWorkspaceIconClass();

        if (iconClassLabels.length > 0) {
            return iconClassLabels[0].value;
        else if (workspaceIconClass) {
            return workspaceIconClass;
        else if (this.noteId === 'root') {
            return "bx bx-chevrons-right";
        if (this.noteId === 'share') {
            return "bx bx-share-alt";
        else if (this.type === 'text') {
            if (this.isFolder()) {
                return "bx bx-folder";
            else {
                return "bx bx-note";
        else if (this.type === 'code' && this.mime.startsWith('text/x-sql')) {
            return "bx bx-data";
        else {
            return NOTE_TYPE_ICONS[this.type];

    isFolder() {
        return this.type === 'search'
            || this.getFilteredChildBranches().length > 0;

    getFilteredChildBranches() {
        let childBranches = this.getChildBranches();

        if (!childBranches) {
            ws.logError(`No children for ${parentNote}. This shouldn't happen.`);

        if ("hideIncludedImages_main")) {
            const imageLinks = this.getRelations('imageLink');

            // image is already visible in the parent note so no need to display it separately in the book
            childBranches = childBranches.filter(branch => !imageLinks.find(rel => rel.value === branch.noteId));

        // we're not checking hideArchivedNotes since that would mean we need to lazy load the child notes
        // which would seriously slow down everything.
        // we check this flag only once user chooses to expand the parent. This has the negative consequence that
        // note may appear as folder but not contain any children when all of them are archived

        return childBranches;

     * @param {string} [name] - relation name to filter
     * @returns {Attribute[]} all note's relations (attributes with type relation), including inherited ones
    getOwnedRelations(name) {
        return this.getOwnedAttributes(RELATION, name);

     * @param {string} [name] - relation name to filter
     * @returns {Attribute[]} all note's relations (attributes with type relation), including inherited ones
    getRelations(name) {
        return this.getAttributes(RELATION, name);

     * @param {string} type - attribute type (label, relation, etc.)
     * @param {string} name - attribute name
     * @returns {boolean} true if note has an attribute with given type and name (including inherited)
    hasAttribute(type, name) {
        return !!this.getAttribute(type, name);

     * @param {string} type - attribute type (label, relation, etc.)
     * @param {string} name - attribute name
     * @returns {boolean} true if note has an attribute with given type and name (including inherited)
    hasOwnedAttribute(type, name) {
        return !!this.getOwnedAttribute(type, name);

     * @param {string} type - attribute type (label, relation, etc.)
     * @param {string} name - attribute name
     * @returns {Attribute} attribute of given type and name. If there's more such attributes, first is  returned. Returns null if there's no such attribute belonging to this note.
    getOwnedAttribute(type, name) {
        const attributes = this.getOwnedAttributes(type, name);

        return attributes.length > 0 ? attributes[0] : 0;

     * @param {string} type - attribute type (label, relation, etc.)
     * @param {string} name - attribute name
     * @returns {Attribute} attribute of given type and name. If there's more such attributes, first is  returned. Returns null if there's no such attribute belonging to this note.
    getAttribute(type, name) {
        const attributes = this.getAttributes(type, name);

        return attributes.length > 0 ? attributes[0] : null;

     * @param {string} type - attribute type (label, relation, etc.)
     * @param {string} name - attribute name
     * @returns {string} attribute value of given type and name or null if no such attribute exists.
    getOwnedAttributeValue(type, name) {
        const attr = this.getOwnedAttribute(type, name);

        return attr ? attr.value : null;

     * @param {string} type - attribute type (label, relation, etc.)
     * @param {string} name - attribute name
     * @returns {string} attribute value of given type and name or null if no such attribute exists.
    getAttributeValue(type, name) {
        const attr = this.getAttribute(type, name);

        return attr ? attr.value : null;

     * @param {string} name - label name
     * @returns {boolean} true if label exists (excluding inherited)
    hasOwnedLabel(name) { return this.hasOwnedAttribute(LABEL, name); }

     * @param {string} name - label name
     * @returns {boolean} true if label exists (including inherited)
    hasLabel(name) { return this.hasAttribute(LABEL, name); }

     * @param {string} name - relation name
     * @returns {boolean} true if relation exists (excluding inherited)
    hasOwnedRelation(name) { return this.hasOwnedAttribute(RELATION, name); }

     * @param {string} name - relation name
     * @returns {boolean} true if relation exists (including inherited)
    hasRelation(name) { return this.hasAttribute(RELATION, name); }

     * @param {string} name - label name
     * @returns {Attribute} label if it exists, null otherwise
    getOwnedLabel(name) { return this.getOwnedAttribute(LABEL, name); }

     * @param {string} name - label name
     * @returns {Attribute} label if it exists, null otherwise
    getLabel(name) { return this.getAttribute(LABEL, name); }

     * @param {string} name - relation name
     * @returns {Attribute} relation if it exists, null otherwise
    getOwnedRelation(name) { return this.getOwnedAttribute(RELATION, name); }

     * @param {string} name - relation name
     * @returns {Attribute} relation if it exists, null otherwise
    getRelation(name) { return this.getAttribute(RELATION, name); }

     * @param {string} name - label name
     * @returns {string} label value if label exists, null otherwise
    getOwnedLabelValue(name) { return this.getOwnedAttributeValue(LABEL, name); }

     * @param {string} name - label name
     * @returns {string} label value if label exists, null otherwise
    getLabelValue(name) { return this.getAttributeValue(LABEL, name); }

     * @param {string} name - relation name
     * @returns {string} relation value if relation exists, null otherwise
    getOwnedRelationValue(name) { return this.getOwnedAttributeValue(RELATION, name); }

     * @param {string} name - relation name
     * @returns {string} relation value if relation exists, null otherwise
    getRelationValue(name) { return this.getAttributeValue(RELATION, name); }

     * @param {string} name
     * @returns {Promise<NoteShort>|null} target note of the relation or null (if target is empty or note was not found)
    async getRelationTarget(name) {
        const targets = await this.getRelationTargets(name);

        return targets.length > 0 ? targets[0] : null;

     * @param {string} [name] - relation name to filter
     * @returns {Promise<NoteShort[]>}
    async getRelationTargets(name) {
        const relations = this.getRelations(name);
        const targets = [];

        for (const relation of relations) {
            targets.push(await this.froca.getNote(relation.value));

        return targets;

     * @returns {NoteShort[]}
    getTemplateNotes() {
        const relations = this.getRelations('template');

        return => this.froca.notes[rel.value]);

    getPromotedDefinitionAttributes() {
        if (this.hasLabel('hidePromotedAttributes')) {
            return [];

        return this.getAttributes()
            .filter(attr => attr.isDefinition())
            .filter(attr => {
                const def = attr.getDefinition();

                return def && def.isPromoted;

    hasAncestor(ancestorNoteId, visitedNoteIds = null) {
        if (this.noteId === ancestorNoteId) {
            return true;

        if (!visitedNoteIds) {
            visitedNoteIds = new Set();
        } else if (visitedNoteIds.has(this.noteId)) {
            // to avoid infinite cycle when template is descendent of the instance
            return false;


        for (const templateNote of this.getTemplateNotes()) {
            if (templateNote.hasAncestor(ancestorNoteId, visitedNoteIds)) {
                return true;

        for (const parentNote of this.getParentNotes()) {
            if (parentNote.hasAncestor(ancestorNoteId, visitedNoteIds)) {
                return true;

        return false;

     * @deprecated NOOP
    invalidateAttributeCache() {}

     * Get relations which target this note
     * @returns {Attribute[]}
    getTargetRelations() {
        return this.targetRelations
            .map(attributeId => this.froca.attributes[attributeId]);

     * Get relations which target this note
     * @returns {NoteShort[]}
    async getTargetRelationSourceNotes() {
        const targetRelations = this.getTargetRelations();

        return await this.froca.getNotes( => tr.noteId));

     * Return note complement which is most importantly note's content
     * @return {Promise<NoteComplement>}
    async getNoteComplement() {
        return await this.froca.getNoteComplement(this.noteId);

    toString() {
        return `Note(noteId=${this.noteId}, title=${this.title})`;

    get dto() {
        const dto = Object.assign({}, this);
        delete dto.froca;

        return dto;

    getCssClass() {
        const labels = this.getLabels('cssClass');
        return => l.value).join(' ');

    getWorkspaceIconClass() {
        const labels = this.getLabels('workspaceIconClass');
        return labels.length > 0 ? labels[0].value : "";

    getWorkspaceTabBackgroundColor() {
        const labels = this.getLabels('workspaceTabBackgroundColor');
        return labels.length > 0 ? labels[0].value : "";

    /** @returns {boolean} true if this note is JavaScript (code or attachment) */
    isJavaScript() {
        return (this.type === "code" || this.type === "file")
            && (this.mime.startsWith("application/javascript")
                || this.mime === "application/x-javascript"
                || this.mime === "text/javascript");

    /** @returns {boolean} true if this note is HTML */
    isHtml() {
        return (this.type === "code" || this.type === "file" || this.type === "render") && this.mime === "text/html";

    /** @returns {string|null} JS script environment - either "frontend" or "backend" */
    getScriptEnv() {
        if (this.isHtml() || (this.isJavaScript() && this.mime.endsWith('env=frontend'))) {
            return "frontend";

        if (this.type === 'render') {
            return "frontend";

        if (this.isJavaScript() && this.mime.endsWith('env=backend')) {
            return "backend";

        return null;

    async executeScript() {
        if (!this.isJavaScript()) {
            throw new Error(`Note ${this.noteId} is of type ${this.type} and mime ${this.mime} and thus cannot be executed`);

        const env = this.getScriptEnv();

        if (env === "frontend") {
            const bundleService = (await import("../services/bundle.js")).default;
            await bundleService.getAndExecuteBundle(this.noteId);
        else if (env === "backend") {
            await'script/run/' + this.noteId);
        else {
            throw new Error(`Unrecognized env type ${env} for note ${this.noteId}`);

    isShared() {
        for (const parentNoteId of this.parents) {
            if (parentNoteId === 'root' || parentNoteId === 'none') {

            const parentNote = froca.notes[parentNoteId];

            if (!parentNote || parentNote.type === 'search') {

            if (parentNote.noteId === 'share' || parentNote.isShared()) {
                return true;

        return false;

export default NoteShort;