import TabAwareWidget from "./tab_aware_widget.js"; import utils from "../services/utils.js"; import protectedSessionHolder from "../services/protected_session_holder.js"; import treeCache from "../services/tree_cache.js"; import server from "../services/server.js"; import SpacedUpdate from "../services/spaced_update.js"; const TPL = `
`; export default class NoteTitleWidget extends TabAwareWidget { constructor(appContext) { super(appContext); this.spacedUpdate = new SpacedUpdate(async () => { const noteId = this.tabContext.note.noteId; const title = this.$noteTitle.val(); await server.put(`notes/${noteId}/change-title`, {title}); }); } doRender() { this.$widget = $(TPL); this.$noteTitle = this.$widget.find(".note-title"); this.$noteTitle.on('input', () => this.titleChanged()); utils.bindElShortcut(this.$noteTitle, 'return', () => { this.trigger('focusOnDetail', {tabId: this.tabContext.tabId}); }); return this.$widget; } async titleChanged() { const {note} = this.tabContext; if (!note) { return; } note.title = this.$noteTitle.val(); this.spacedUpdate.scheduleUpdate(); const noteFromCache = await treeCache.getNote(note.noteId); noteFromCache.title = note.title; this.trigger(`noteTitleChanged`, { tabId: this.tabContext.tabId, // used to identify that the event comes from this tab so we should not update this tab's input title: note.title, noteId: note.noteId }); } async refreshWithNote(note) { this.$noteTitle.val(note.title); this.$noteTitle.prop("readonly", note.isProtected && !protectedSessionHolder.isProtectedSessionAvailable()); } async beforeNoteSwitchListener({tabId}) { if (this.isTab(tabId)) { await this.spacedUpdate.updateNowIfNecessary(); } } async beforeTabRemoveListener({tabId}) { if (this.isTab(tabId)) { await this.spacedUpdate.updateNowIfNecessary(); } } focusOnTitleListener() { if (this.tabContext && this.tabContext.isActive()) { this.$noteTitle.trigger('focus'); } } focusAndSelectTitleListener() { if (this.tabContext && this.tabContext.isActive()) { this.$noteTitle .trigger('focus') .trigger('select'); } } }