import treeService from './tree.js'; import noteDetailService from './note_detail.js'; import utils from './utils.js'; import server from './server.js'; import protectedSessionHolder from './protected_session_holder.js'; import infoService from "./info.js"; const $dialog = $("#protected-session-password-dialog"); const $component = $("#protected-session-password-component"); const $passwordForms = $(".protected-session-password-form"); const $passwordInputs = $(".protected-session-password"); const $passwordInModal = $("#protected-session-password-in-modal"); const $noteDetailWrapper = $("#note-detail-wrapper"); const $protectButton = $("#protect-button"); const $unprotectButton = $("#unprotect-button"); const $enterProtectedSessionButton = $("#enter-protected-session-button"); const $leaveProtectedSessionButton = $("#leave-protected-session-button"); const $noteTitle = $("#note-title"); let protectedSessionDeferred = null; async function enterProtectedSession() { if (!protectedSessionHolder.isProtectedSessionAvailable()) { await ensureProtectedSession(true, true); } } async function leaveProtectedSession() { if (protectedSessionHolder.isProtectedSessionAvailable()) { utils.reloadApp(); } } /** returned promise resolves with true if new protected session was established, false if no action was necessary */ function ensureProtectedSession(requireProtectedSession, modal) { const dfd = $.Deferred(); if (requireProtectedSession && !protectedSessionHolder.isProtectedSessionAvailable()) { // using deferred instead of promise because it allows resolving from outside protectedSessionDeferred = dfd; // user shouldn't be able to edit note title $noteTitle.prop("readonly", true); if (modal) { if (treeService.getCurrentNode().data.isProtected) { $noteDetailWrapper.hide(); } $dialog.modal(); } else { $; } } else { dfd.resolve(false); } return dfd.promise(); } async function setupProtectedSession(password) { $passwordInputs.val(""); const response = await enterProtectedSessionOnServer(password); if (!response.success) { infoService.showError("Wrong password.", 3000); return; } protectedSessionHolder.setProtectedSessionId(response.protectedSessionId); $dialog.modal("hide"); await treeService.reload(); // it's important that tree has been already reloaded at this point // since detail also uses tree cache (for children overview) await noteDetailService.reload(); if (protectedSessionDeferred !== null) { ensureDialogIsClosed(); $; protectedSessionDeferred.resolve(true); protectedSessionDeferred = null; $enterProtectedSessionButton.hide(); $; } infoService.showMessage("Protected session has been started."); } function ensureDialogIsClosed() { // this may fal if the dialog has not been previously opened (not sure if still true with Bootstrap modal) try { $dialog.modal('hide'); } catch (e) {} $passwordInputs.val(''); } async function enterProtectedSessionOnServer(password) { return await'login/protected', { password: password }); } async function protectNoteAndSendToServer() { if (noteDetailService.getActiveNote().isProtected) { return; } await ensureProtectedSession(true, true); const note = noteDetailService.getActiveNote(); note.isProtected = true; await noteDetailService.saveNote(note); treeService.setProtected(note.noteId, note.isProtected); noteDetailService.updateNoteView(); } async function unprotectNoteAndSendToServer() { const activeNote = noteDetailService.getActiveNote(); if (!activeNote.isProtected) { infoService.showAndLogError(`Note ${activeNote.noteId} is not protected`); return; } if (!protectedSessionHolder.isProtectedSessionAvailable()) { console.log("Unprotecting notes outside of protected session is not allowed."); // the reason is that it's not easy to handle even with ensureProtectedSession, // because we would first have to make sure the note is loaded and only then unprotect // we used to have a bug where we would overwrite the previous note with unprotected content. return; } activeNote.isProtected = false; await noteDetailService.saveNote(activeNote); treeService.setProtected(activeNote.noteId, activeNote.isProtected); noteDetailService.updateNoteView(); } async function protectSubtree(noteId, protect) { await ensureProtectedSession(true, true); await server.put('notes/' + noteId + "/protect/" + (protect ? 1 : 0)); infoService.showMessage("Request to un/protect sub tree has finished successfully"); treeService.reload(); noteDetailService.reload(); } $passwordForms.submit(function() { // needs to stay as function const password = $(this).find(".protected-session-password").val(); setupProtectedSession(password); return false; }); $; $; $dialog.on("", e => $passwordInModal.focus()); export default { ensureProtectedSession, protectSubtree, ensureDialogIsClosed, enterProtectedSession, leaveProtectedSession, protectNoteAndSendToServer };