"use strict"; const sql = require('./sql'); const log = require('./log'); const messaging = require('./messaging'); async function runCheck(query, errorText, errorList) { const result = await sql.getFlattenedResults(query); if (result.length > 0) { const err = errorText + ": " + result; errorList.push(err); log.error(err); } } async function runSyncRowChecks(table, key, errorList) { await runCheck(`SELECT ${key} FROM ${table} LEFT JOIN sync ON sync.entity_name = '${table}' AND entity_id = ${key} WHERE sync.id IS NULL`, `Missing sync records for ${key} in table ${table}`, errorList); await runCheck(`SELECT entity_id FROM sync LEFT JOIN ${table} ON entity_id = ${key} WHERE sync.entity_name = '${table}' AND ${key} IS NULL`, `Missing ${table} records for existing sync rows`, errorList); } async function runChecks() { const errorList = []; await runCheck("SELECT note_id FROM notes LEFT JOIN notes_tree USING(note_id) WHERE note_id != 'root' AND notes_tree.note_tree_id IS NULL", "Missing notes_tree records for following note IDs", errorList); await runCheck("SELECT note_tree_id || ' > ' || notes_tree.note_id FROM notes_tree LEFT JOIN notes USING(note_id) WHERE notes.note_id IS NULL", "Missing notes records for following note tree ID > note ID", errorList); await runCheck("SELECT note_tree_id FROM notes_tree JOIN notes USING(note_id) WHERE notes.is_deleted = 1 AND notes_tree.is_deleted = 0", "Note tree is not deleted even though main note is deleted for following note tree IDs", errorList); await runCheck("SELECT child.parent_note_id || ' > ' || child.note_id FROM notes_tree AS child LEFT JOIN notes_tree AS parent ON parent.note_id = child.parent_note_id WHERE parent.note_id IS NULL AND child.parent_note_id != 'root'", "Not existing parent in the following parent > child relations", errorList); await runCheck("SELECT note_history_id || ' > ' || notes_history.note_id FROM notes_history LEFT JOIN notes USING(note_id) WHERE notes.note_id IS NULL", "Missing notes records for following note history ID > note ID", errorList); await runSyncRowChecks("notes", "note_id", errorList); await runSyncRowChecks("notes_history", "note_history_id", errorList); await runSyncRowChecks("notes_tree", "note_tree_id", errorList); await runSyncRowChecks("recent_notes", "note_tree_id", errorList); if (errorList.length > 0) { messaging.sendMessageToAllClients({type: 'consistency-checks-failed'}); } else { log.info("All consistency checks passed."); } } sql.dbReady.then(() => { setInterval(runChecks, 60 * 60 * 1000); // kickoff backup immediately setTimeout(runChecks, 10000); }); module.exports = { runChecks };