function convertNoteToHtml(noteId, failedNotes) { $.ajax({ url: baseUrl + 'notes/' + noteId, type: 'GET', async: false, success: function (note) { const noteNode = getNodeByKey(noteId); if ( { // we shouldn't process notes twice return; } note.detail.note_text = notecase2html(note); note.formatting = []; for (const link of note.links) { delete link.type; } $.ajax({ url: baseUrl + 'notes/' + noteId, type: 'PUT', data: JSON.stringify(note), contentType: "application/json", async: false, success: function () { console.log("Note " + noteId + " converted.") }, error: function () { console.log("Note " + noteId + " failed when writing"); failedNotes.push(noteId); } }); }, error: function () { console.log("Note " + noteId + " failed when reading"); failedNotes.push(noteId); } }); } function convertAll2Html() { const failedNotes = []; let counter = 1; for (const noteId of globalAllNoteIds) { console.log('Converting ' + counter + "/" + globalAllNoteIds.length); counter++; convertNoteToHtml(noteId, failedNotes); } console.log("Failed notes: ", failedNotes); }