"use strict"; const sql = require('../../services/sql'); async function getLinks(noteIds, linkTypes) { return (await sql.getManyRows(` SELECT noteId, targetNoteId, type FROM links WHERE (noteId IN (???) OR targetNoteId IN (???)) AND isDeleted = 0 UNION SELECT noteId, value, 'relation' FROM attributes WHERE (noteId IN (???) OR value IN (???)) AND type = 'relation' AND isDeleted = 0 `, Array.from(noteIds))).filter(l => linkTypes.includes(l.type)); } async function getLinkMap(req) { const {noteId} = req.params; const {linkTypes, maxNotes} = req.body; let noteIds = new Set([noteId]); let links = []; while (true) { const newLinks = await getLinks(noteIds, linkTypes); const newNoteIds = new Set(newLinks.map(l => l.noteId).concat(newLinks.map(l => l.targetNoteId))); if (newNoteIds.size === noteIds.size) { // no new note discovered, no need to search any further break; } if (newNoteIds.size > maxNotes) { // to many notes to display break; } noteIds = newNoteIds; links = newLinks; } // keep only links coming from and targetting some note in the noteIds set links = links.filter(l => noteIds.has(l.noteId) && noteIds.has(l.targetNoteId)); return links; } module.exports = { getLinkMap };