import server from './services/server.js'; import utils from "./services/utils.js"; function SetupModel() { this.step = ko.observable("setup-type"); this.setupType = ko.observable(); this.setupNewDocument = ko.observable(false); this.setupSyncFromDesktop = ko.observable(false); this.setupSyncFromServer = ko.observable(false); this.username = ko.observable(); this.password1 = ko.observable(); this.password2 = ko.observable(); this.serverAddress = ko.observable(); this.instanceType = utils.isElectron() ? "desktop" : "server"; this.setupTypeSelected = this.getSetupType = () => this.setupNewDocument() || this.setupSyncFromDesktop() || this.setupSyncFromServer(); this.selectSetupType = () => { this.step(this.getSetupType()); this.setupType(this.getSetupType()); }; this.back = () => { this.step("setup-type"); this.setupNewDocument(false); this.setupSyncFromServer(false); this.setupSyncFromDesktop(false); }; this.finish = () => { if (this.setupNewDocument()) { const username = this.username(); const password1 = this.password1(); const password2 = this.password2(); if (!username) { showAlert("Username can't be empty"); return; } if (!password1) { showAlert("Password can't be empty"); return; } if (password1 !== password2) { showAlert("Both password fields need be identical."); return; }'setup', { username: username, password: password1 }).then(() => { window.location.replace("/"); }); } else if (this.setupSyncFromServer()) { const serverAddress = this.serverAddress(); const username = this.username(); const password = this.password1(); if (!serverAddress) { showAlert("Trilium server address can't be empty"); return; } if (!username) { showAlert("Username can't be empty"); return; } if (!password) { showAlert("Password can't be empty"); return; } showAlert("All OK"); } }; } function showAlert(message) { $("#alert").html(message); $("#alert").show(); } ko.applyBindings(new SetupModel(), document.getElementById('setup-dialog')); $("#setup-dialog").show();