import libraryLoader from '../services/library_loader.js'; import server from '../services/server.js'; import infoService from "../services/info.js"; import utils from "../services/utils.js"; const $dialog = $("#sql-console-dialog"); const $query = $('#sql-console-query'); const $executeButton = $('#sql-console-execute'); const $resultHead = $('#sql-console-results thead'); const $resultBody = $('#sql-console-results tbody'); const $tables = $("#sql-console-tables"); let codeEditor; $dialog.on("", e => initEditor()); async function showDialog() { utils.closeActiveDialog(); glob.activeDialog = $dialog; await showTables(); $dialog.modal(); } async function initEditor() { if (!codeEditor) { await libraryLoader.requireLibrary(libraryLoader.CODE_MIRROR); CodeMirror.keyMap.default["Shift-Tab"] = "indentLess"; CodeMirror.keyMap.default["Tab"] = "indentMore"; // removing Escape binding so that Escape will propagate to the dialog (which will close on escape) delete CodeMirror.keyMap.basic["Esc"]; CodeMirror.modeURL = 'libraries/codemirror/mode/%N/%N.js'; codeEditor = CodeMirror($query[0], { value: "", viewportMargin: Infinity, indentUnit: 4, highlightSelectionMatches: {showToken: /\w/, annotateScrollbar: false} }); codeEditor.setOption("mode", "text/x-sqlite"); CodeMirror.autoLoadMode(codeEditor, "sql"); } codeEditor.focus(); } async function execute(e) { // stop from propagating upwards (dangerous especially with ctrl+enter executable javascript notes) e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); // execute the selected text or the whole content if there's no selection let sqlQuery = codeEditor.getSelection(); if (!sqlQuery) { sqlQuery = codeEditor.getValue(); } const result = await"sql/execute", { query: sqlQuery }); if (!result.success) { infoService.showError(result.error); return; } else { infoService.showMessage("Query was executed successfully."); } const rows = result.rows; $resultHead.empty(); $resultBody.empty(); if (rows.length > 0) { const result = rows[0]; const rowEl = $(""); for (const key in result) { rowEl.append($("").html(key)); } $resultHead.append(rowEl); } for (const result of rows) { const rowEl = $(""); for (const key in result) { rowEl.append($("").html(result[key])); } $resultBody.append(rowEl); } } async function showTables() { const tables = await server.get('sql/schema'); $tables.empty(); for (const table of tables) { const $tableLink = $('