let globalEncryptionCallback = null; function handleEncryption(requireEncryption, modal, callback) { if (requireEncryption && globalEncryptionKey === null) { globalEncryptionCallback = callback; if (!modal) { $("#noteDetailWrapper").hide(); } $("#encryptionPasswordDialog").dialog({ modal: modal, width: 400, open: function() { if (!modal) { // dialog steals focus for itself, which is not what we want for non-modal (viewing) getNodeByKey(globalNote.detail.note_id).setFocus(); } } }); } else { callback(); } } // currently not configurable const globalEncryptionKeyTimeToLive = 10 * 60 * 1000; // in milliseconds let globalEncryptionKey = null; let globalLastEncryptionOperationDate = null; function deriveEncryptionKey(password) { // why this is done is explained here: https://github.com/ricmoo/scrypt-js - "Encoding notes" const normalizedPassword = password.normalize('NFKC'); const salt = "dc73b57736511340f132e4b5521d178afa6311c45e0c25e6a9339038507852a6"; const passwordBuffer = new buffer.SlowBuffer(normalizedPassword); const saltBuffer = new buffer.SlowBuffer(salt); // this settings take ~500ms on my laptop const N = 16384, r = 16, p = 1; // 32 byte key - AES 256 const dkLen = 32; const startedDate = new Date(); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { scrypt(passwordBuffer, saltBuffer, N, r, p, dkLen, function (error, progress, key) { if (error) { console.log("Error: " + error); reject(); } else if (key) { console.log("Computation took " + (new Date().getTime() - startedDate.getTime()) + "ms"); $.ajax({ url: baseUrl + 'password/verify', type: 'POST', data: JSON.stringify({ password: sha256(key) }), contentType: "application/json", success: function (result) { if (result.valid) { resolve(key); } else { alert("Wrong password"); reject(); } } }); } else { // update UI with progress complete } }); }); } $("#encryptionPasswordForm").submit(function() { const password = $("#encryptionPassword").val(); $("#encryptionPassword").val(""); deriveEncryptionKey(password).then(key => { $("#noteDetailWrapper").show(); $("#encryptionPasswordDialog").dialog("close"); globalEncryptionKey = key; if (globalEncryptionCallback !== null) { globalEncryptionCallback(); globalEncryptionCallback = null; } }); return false; }); function getAes() { globalLastEncryptionOperationDate = new Date(); setTimeout(function() { if (new Date().getTime() - globalLastEncryptionOperationDate.getTime() > globalEncryptionKeyTimeToLive) { globalEncryptionKey = null; if (globalNote.detail.encryption > 0) { loadNote(globalNote.detail.note_id); } } }, globalEncryptionKeyTimeToLive + 1000); return new aesjs.ModeOfOperation.ctr(globalEncryptionKey, new aesjs.Counter(5)); } function encryptNoteIfNecessary(note) { if (note.detail.encryption === 0) { return note; } else { return encryptNote(note); } } function encryptNote(note) { const aes = getAes(); const noteJson = note.detail.note_text; const noteBytes = aesjs.utils.utf8.toBytes(noteJson); const encryptedBytes = aes.encrypt(noteBytes); // To print or store the binary data, you may convert it to hex note.detail.note_text = uint8ToBase64(encryptedBytes); return note; } function encryptNoteAndSendToServer() { handleEncryption(true, true, () => { const note = globalNote; updateNoteFromInputs(note); encryptNote(note); note.detail.encryption = 1; saveNoteToServer(note); setNoteBackgroundIfEncrypted(note); }); } function decryptNoteAndSendToServer() { handleEncryption(true, true, () => { const note = globalNote; updateNoteFromInputs(note); note.detail.encryption = 0; saveNoteToServer(note); setNoteBackgroundIfEncrypted(note); }); } function decryptNoteIfNecessary(note) { if (note.detail.encryption === 1) { return decryptNote(note.detail.note_text); } else { return note.detail.note_text; } } function decryptNote(encryptedBase64) { const aes = getAes(); const encryptedBytes = base64ToUint8Array(encryptedBase64); const decryptedBytes = aes.decrypt(encryptedBytes); return aesjs.utils.utf8.fromBytes(decryptedBytes); }