@echo off :: Try to get powershell to launch Trilium since it deals with UTF-8 characters in current path :: If there's no powershell available, fallback to unicode enabled command interpreter WHERE powershell.exe > NUL 2>&1 IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 GOTO BATCH ELSE GOTO POWERSHELL :POWERSHELL powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -NonInteractive -NoLogo "Set-Item -Path Env:TRILIUM_SAFE_MODE -Value 1; ./trilium.exe --disable-gpu" GOTO END :BATCH :: Make sure we support UTF-8 characters chcp 65001 :: Get Current Trilium executable directory and compute data directory SET DIR=%~dp0 SET TRILIUM_SAFE_MODE=1 cd %DIR% start trilium.exe --disable-gpu GOTO END :END