import treeService from "./tree.js"; import protectedSessionHolder from "./protected_session_holder.js"; import server from "./server.js"; import bundleService from "./bundle.js"; import Attributes from "./attributes.js"; import treeUtils from "./tree_utils.js"; import utils from "./utils.js"; import {NoteTypeContext} from "./note_type.js"; import noteDetailService from "./note_detail.js"; import noteDetailEmpty from "./note_detail_empty.js"; import noteDetailText from "./note_detail_text.js"; import noteDetailCode from "./note_detail_code.js"; import noteDetailFile from "./note_detail_file.js"; import noteDetailImage from "./note_detail_image.js"; import noteDetailSearch from "./note_detail_search.js"; import noteDetailRender from "./note_detail_render.js"; import noteDetailRelationMap from "./note_detail_relation_map.js"; import noteDetailProtectedSession from "./note_detail_protected_session.js"; import protectedSessionService from "./protected_session.js"; import linkService from "./link.js"; import Sidebar from "./sidebar.js"; const $tabContentsContainer = $("#note-tab-container"); const componentClasses = { 'empty': noteDetailEmpty, 'text': noteDetailText, 'code': noteDetailCode, 'file': noteDetailFile, 'image': noteDetailImage, 'search': noteDetailSearch, 'render': noteDetailRender, 'relation-map': noteDetailRelationMap, 'protected-session': noteDetailProtectedSession }; class TabContext { /** * @param {TabRow} tabRow */ constructor(tabRow, tabId = null) { this.tabRow = tabRow; this.tabId = tabId || utils.randomString(4); this.$tab = $(this.tabRow.addTab(this.tabId)); this.$tabContent = $(".note-tab-content-template").clone(); this.$tabContent.removeClass('note-tab-content-template'); this.$tabContent.attr('data-tab-id', this.tabId); $tabContentsContainer.append(this.$tabContent); this.$noteTitle = this.$tabContent.find(".note-title"); this.$noteTitleRow = this.$tabContent.find(".note-title-row"); this.$notePathList = this.$tabContent.find(".note-path-list"); this.$notePathCount = this.$tabContent.find(".note-path-count"); this.$noteDetailComponents = this.$tabContent.find(".note-detail-component"); this.$childrenOverview = this.$tabContent.find(".children-overview"); this.$scriptArea = this.$tabContent.find(".note-detail-script-area"); this.$savedIndicator = this.$tabContent.find(".saved-indicator"); this.noteChangeDisabled = false; this.isNoteChanged = false; this.attributes = new Attributes(this); if (utils.isDesktop()) { this.sidebar = new Sidebar(this); this.noteType = new NoteTypeContext(this); } this.components = {}; this.$noteTitle.on('input', () => { if (!this.note) { return; } this.noteChanged(); this.note.title = this.$noteTitle.val(); this.tabRow.updateTab(this.$tab[0], {title: this.note.title}); treeService.setNoteTitle(this.noteId, this.note.title); this.setTitleBar(); }); if (utils.isDesktop()) { // keyboard plugin is not loaded in mobile utils.bindElShortcut(this.$noteTitle, 'return', () => { this.getComponent().focus(); return false; // to not propagate the enter into the editor (causes issues with codemirror) }); } this.$protectButton = this.$tabContent.find(".protect-button"); this.$; this.$unprotectButton = this.$tabContent.find(".unprotect-button"); this.$; console.debug(`Created note tab ${this.tabId}`); } setNote(note, notePath) { this.noteId = note.noteId; this.notePath = notePath; this.note = note; this.tabRow.updateTab(this.$tab[0], {title: note.title}); this.attributes.invalidateAttributes(); this.setupClasses(); this.setCurrentNotePathToHash(); this.setTitleBar(); this.closeAutocomplete(); // esp. on windows autocomplete is not getting closed automatically setTimeout(async () => { // we include the note into recent list only if the user stayed on the note at least 5 seconds if (notePath && notePath === this.notePath) { await'recent-notes', { noteId: this.noteId, notePath: this.notePath }); } }, 5000); if (utils.isDesktop()) { this.noteType.updateExecuteScriptButtonVisibility(); } this.showPaths(); if (this.sidebar) { this.sidebar.noteLoaded(); } console.debug(`Switched tab ${this.tabId} to ${this.noteId}`); } show() { this.$; this.setCurrentNotePathToHash(); this.setTitleBar(); } setTitleBar() { if (!this.$":visible")) { return; } document.title = "Trilium Notes"; if (this.note) { // it helps navigating in history if note title is included in the title document.title += " - " + this.note.title; } } hide() { this.$tabContent.hide(); } setCurrentNotePathToHash() { if (this.$tab[0] === this.tabRow.activeTabEl) { document.location.hash = (this.notePath || "") + "-" + this.tabId; } } setupClasses() { for (const clazz of Array.from(this.$tab[0].classList)) { // create copy to safely iterate over while removing classes if (clazz !== 'note-tab') { this.$tab.removeClass(clazz); } } for (const clazz of Array.from(this.$tabContent[0].classList)) { // create copy to safely iterate over while removing classes if (clazz !== 'note-tab-content') { this.$tabContent.removeClass(clazz); } } this.$tab.addClass(this.note.cssClass); this.$tab.addClass(utils.getNoteTypeClass(this.note.type)); this.$tab.addClass(utils.getMimeTypeClass(this.note.mime)); this.$tabContent.addClass(this.note.cssClass); this.$tabContent.addClass(utils.getNoteTypeClass(this.note.type)); this.$tabContent.addClass(utils.getMimeTypeClass(this.note.mime)); this.$; // might be hidden from empty detail this.$tabContent.toggleClass("protected", this.note.isProtected); this.$protectButton.toggleClass("active", this.note.isProtected); this.$protectButton.prop("disabled", this.note.isProtected); this.$unprotectButton.toggleClass("active", !this.note.isProtected); this.$unprotectButton.prop("disabled", !this.note.isProtected || !protectedSessionHolder.isProtectedSessionAvailable()); } getComponent() { let type; if (this.note) { type = this.note.type; if (this.note.isProtected) { if (protectedSessionHolder.isProtectedSessionAvailable()) { protectedSessionHolder.touchProtectedSession(); } else { type = 'protected-session'; // user shouldn't be able to edit note title this.$noteTitle.prop("readonly", true); } } } else { type = 'empty'; } if (!(type in this.components)) { this.components[type] = new componentClasses[type](this); } return this.components[type]; } async activate() { await this.tabRow.activateTab(this.$tab[0]); } async saveNote() { if (this.note.isProtected && !protectedSessionHolder.isProtectedSessionAvailable()) { return; } this.note.title = this.$noteTitle.val(); this.note.content = this.getComponent().getContent(); // it's important to set the flag back to false immediatelly after retrieving title and content // otherwise we might overwrite another change (especially async code) this.isNoteChanged = false; treeService.setNoteTitle(this.note.noteId, this.note.title); const resp = await server.put('notes/' + this.note.noteId, this.note.dto); this.note.dateModified = resp.dateModified; this.note.utcDateModified = resp.utcDateModified; if (this.note.isProtected) { protectedSessionHolder.touchProtectedSession(); } this.$savedIndicator.fadeIn(); // run async bundleService.executeRelationBundles(this.note, 'runOnNoteChange', this); } async saveNoteIfChanged() { if (this.isNoteChanged) { await this.saveNote(); noteDetailService.refreshTabs(this.tabId, this.noteId); } } noteChanged() { if (this.noteChangeDisabled) { return; } this.isNoteChanged = true; this.$savedIndicator.fadeOut(); } async showChildrenOverview() { const attributes = await this.attributes.getAttributes(); const hideChildrenOverview = attributes.some(attr => attr.type === 'label' && === 'hideChildrenOverview') || this.note.type === 'relation-map' || this.note.type === 'image' || this.note.type === 'file'; if (hideChildrenOverview) { this.$childrenOverview.hide(); return; } this.$childrenOverview.empty(); for (const childBranch of await this.note.getChildBranches()) { const link = $('', { href: 'javascript:', text: await treeUtils.getNoteTitle(childBranch.noteId, childBranch.parentNoteId) }).attr('data-action', 'note').attr('data-note-path', this.notePath + '/' + childBranch.noteId); const childEl = $('
').html(link); this.$childrenOverview.append(childEl); } this.$; } async addPath(notePath, isCurrent) { const title = await treeUtils.getNotePathTitle(notePath); const noteLink = await linkService.createNoteLink(notePath, title); noteLink .addClass("no-tooltip-preview") .addClass("dropdown-item"); if (isCurrent) { noteLink.addClass("current"); } this.$notePathList.append(noteLink); } async showPaths() { if (this.note.noteId === 'root') { // root doesn't have any parent, but it's still technically 1 path this.$notePathCount.html("1 path"); this.$notePathList.empty(); await this.addPath('root', true); } else { const parents = await this.note.getParentNotes(); this.$notePathCount.html(parents.length + " path" + (parents.length > 1 ? "s" : "")); this.$notePathList.empty(); const pathSegments = this.notePath.split("/"); const activeNoteParentNoteId = pathSegments[pathSegments.length - 2]; // we know this is not root so there must be a parent for (const parentNote of parents) { const parentNotePath = await treeService.getSomeNotePath(parentNote); // this is to avoid having root notes leading '/' const notePath = parentNotePath ? (parentNotePath + '/' + this.noteId) : this.noteId; const isCurrent = activeNoteParentNoteId === parentNote.noteId; await this.addPath(notePath, isCurrent); } } } closeAutocomplete() { if (utils.isDesktop()) { this.$tabContent.find('.aa-input').autocomplete('close'); } } syncDataReceived(syncData) { this.attributes.syncDataReceived(syncData); if (this.sidebar) { this.sidebar.syncDataReceived(syncData); } } getTabState() { if (!this.notePath) { return null; } return { tabId: this.tabId, notePath: this.notePath, active: this.tabRow.activeTabEl === this.$tab[0], sidebar: this.sidebar && this.sidebar.getSidebarState() } } stateChanged() { noteDetailService.openTabsChanged(); } } export default TabContext;