import libraryLoader from "../services/library_loader.js"; import linkMapDialog from "../dialogs/link_map.js"; import server from "../services/server.js"; import treeCache from "../services/tree_cache.js"; import linkService from "../services/link.js"; import StandardWidget from "./standard_widget.js"; let linkMapContainerIdCtr = 1; const TPL = `
`; const linkOverlays = [ [ "Arrow", { location: 1, id: "arrow", length: 10, width: 10, foldback: 0.7 } ] ]; class LinkMapWidget extends StandardWidget { /** * @param {TabContext} ctx * @param {object} state */ constructor(ctx, state) { super(ctx, state,'link-map'); this.$title.text("Link map"); const $showFullButton = $("").append("show full").addClass('widget-header-action'); $ => { linkMapDialog.showDialog(); }); this.$headerActions.append($showFullButton); } async doRenderBody() { this.$body.html(TPL); this.$linkMapContainer = this.$body.find('.link-map-container'); this.$linkMapContainer.attr("id", "link-map-container-" + linkMapContainerIdCtr++); await libraryLoader.requireLibrary(libraryLoader.LINK_MAP); jsPlumb.ready(() => { this.initJsPlumbInstance(); this.initPanZoom(); this.loadNotesAndRelations(); }); } async loadNotesAndRelations() { this.cleanup(); const linkTypes = [ "hyper", "image", "relation", "relation-map" ]; const maxNotes = 50; const noteId = this.ctx.note.noteId; const links = await`notes/${noteId}/link-map`, { linkTypes, maxNotes, maxDepth: 1 }); const noteIds = new Set( => l.noteId).concat( => l.targetNoteId))); if (noteIds.size === 0) { noteIds.add(noteId); } // preload all notes const notes = await treeCache.getNotes(Array.from(noteIds)); const graph = new Springy.Graph(); graph.addNodes(...noteIds); graph.addEdges( => [l.noteId, l.targetNoteId])); const layout = new Springy.Layout.ForceDirected( graph, 400.0, // Spring stiffness 400.0, // Node repulsion 0.5 // Damping ); const getNoteBox = noteId => { const noteBoxId = this.noteIdToId(noteId); const $existingNoteBox = $("#" + noteBoxId); if ($existingNoteBox.length > 0) { return $existingNoteBox; } const note = notes.find(n => n.noteId === noteId); const $noteBox = $("
") .addClass("note-box") .prop("id", noteBoxId); linkService.createNoteLink(noteId, note.title).then($link => { $noteBox.append($("").addClass("title").append($link)); }); if (noteId === noteId) { $noteBox.addClass("link-map-active-note"); } this.$linkMapContainer.append($noteBox); this.jsPlumbInstance.draggable($noteBox[0], { start: params => { renderer.stop(); }, drag: params => {}, stop: params => {} }); return $noteBox; }; this.renderer = new Springy.Renderer( layout, () => {}, (edge, p1, p2) => { const connectionId = + '-' +; if ($("#" + connectionId).length > 0) { return; } getNoteBox(; getNoteBox(; const connection = this.jsPlumbInstance.connect({ source: this.noteIdToId(, target: this.noteIdToId(, type: 'link' }); = connectionId; }, (node, p) => { const $noteBox = getNoteBox(; const middleW = this.$linkMapContainer.width() / 2; const middleH = this.$linkMapContainer.height() / 2; $noteBox .css("left", (middleW + p.x * 100) + "px") .css("top", (middleH + p.y * 100) + "px"); }, () => {}, () => {}, () => { this.jsPlumbInstance.repaintEverything(); } ); this.renderer.start(); } initPanZoom() { if (this.pzInstance) { return; } this.pzInstance = panzoom(this.$linkMapContainer[0], { maxZoom: 2, minZoom: 0.3, smoothScroll: false, filterKey: function (e, dx, dy, dz) { // if ALT is pressed then panzoom should bubble the event up // this is to preserve ALT-LEFT, ALT-RIGHT navigation working return e.altKey; } }); } cleanup() { if (this.renderer) { this.renderer.stop(); } // delete all endpoints and connections // this is done at this point (after async operations) to reduce flicker to the minimum this.jsPlumbInstance.deleteEveryEndpoint(); // without this we still end up with note boxes remaining in the canvas this.$linkMapContainer.empty(); // reset zoom/pan this.pzInstance.zoomTo(0, 0, 0.7); this.pzInstance.moveTo(0, 0); } initJsPlumbInstance() { if (this.jsPlumbInstance) { this.cleanup(); return; } this.jsPlumbInstance = jsPlumb.getInstance({ Endpoint: ["Blank", {}], ConnectionOverlays: linkOverlays, PaintStyle: { stroke: "var(--muted-text-color)", strokeWidth: 1 }, HoverPaintStyle: { stroke: "var(--main-text-color)", strokeWidth: 1 }, Container: this.$linkMapContainer.attr("id") }); this.jsPlumbInstance.registerConnectionType("link", { anchor: "Continuous", connector: "Straight", overlays: linkOverlays }); } noteIdToId(noteId) { return "link-map-note-" + noteId; } } export default LinkMapWidget;