"use strict"; const sql = require('../../services/sql'); const sync_table = require('../../services/sync_table'); const utils = require('../../services/utils'); const labels = require('../../services/labels'); async function getNoteLabels(req) { const noteId = req.params.noteId; return await sql.getRows("SELECT * FROM labels WHERE isDeleted = 0 AND noteId = ? ORDER BY position, dateCreated", [noteId]); } async function updateNoteLabels(req, res, next) { const noteId = req.params.noteId; const labels = req.body; const now = utils.nowDate(); for (const attr of labels) { if (attr.labelId) { await sql.execute("UPDATE labels SET name = ?, value = ?, dateModified = ?, isDeleted = ?, position = ? WHERE labelId = ?", [attr.name, attr.value, now, attr.isDeleted, attr.position, attr.labelId]); } else { // if it was "created" and then immediatelly deleted, we just don't create it at all if (attr.isDeleted) { continue; } attr.labelId = utils.newLabelId(); await sql.insert("labels", { labelId: attr.labelId, noteId: noteId, name: attr.name, value: attr.value, position: attr.position, dateCreated: now, dateModified: now, isDeleted: false }); } await sync_table.addLabelSync(attr.labelId); } return await sql.getRows("SELECT * FROM labels WHERE isDeleted = 0 AND noteId = ? ORDER BY position, dateCreated", [noteId]); } async function getAllLabelNames(req) { const names = await sql.getColumn("SELECT DISTINCT name FROM labels WHERE isDeleted = 0"); for (const attr of labels.BUILTIN_LABELS) { if (!names.includes(attr)) { names.push(attr); } } names.sort(); return names; } async function getValuesForLabel(req) { const labelName = req.params.labelName; return await sql.getColumn("SELECT DISTINCT value FROM labels WHERE isDeleted = 0 AND name = ? AND value != '' ORDER BY value", [labelName]); } module.exports = { getNoteLabels, updateNoteLabels, getAllLabelNames, getValuesForLabel };