module.exports = function(attrFilters, searchText) { const joins = []; const joinParams = []; let where = '1'; const whereParams = []; let i = 1; for (const filter of attrFilters) { joins.push(`LEFT JOIN labels AS attr${i} ON attr${i}.noteId = notes.noteId AND attr${i}.name = ?`); joinParams.push(; where += " " + filter.relation + " "; if (filter.operator === 'exists') { where += `attr${i}.labelId IS NOT NULL`; } else if (filter.operator === 'not-exists') { where += `attr${i}.labelId IS NULL`; } else if (filter.operator === '=' || filter.operator === '!=') { where += `attr${i}.value ${filter.operator} ?`; whereParams.push(filter.value); } else if ([">", ">=", "<", "<="].includes(filter.operator)) { const floatParam = parseFloat(filter.value); if (isNaN(floatParam)) { where += `attr${i}.value ${filter.operator} ?`; whereParams.push(filter.value); } else { where += `CAST(attr${i}.value AS DECIMAL) ${filter.operator} ?`; whereParams.push(floatParam); } } else { throw new Error("Unknown operator " + filter.operator); } i++; } let searchCondition = ''; const searchParams = []; if (searchText.trim() !== '') { // searching in protected notes is pointless because of encryption searchCondition = ' AND (notes.isProtected = 0 AND (notes.title LIKE ? OR notes.content LIKE ?))'; searchText = '%' + searchText.trim() + '%'; searchParams.push(searchText); searchParams.push(searchText); // two occurences in searchCondition } const query = `SELECT DISTINCT notes.noteId FROM notes ${joins.join('\r\n')} WHERE notes.isDeleted = 0 AND (${where}) ${searchCondition}`; const params = joinParams.concat(whereParams).concat(searchParams); return { query, params }; };